
Debate Info

Satanic demonic hive mind Zombie apocalypse
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Satanic demonic hive mind (2)
 Zombie apocalypse (1)

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Balrog(65) pic

Is Liberals inability to critisize certain groups supernatural?

Satanic demonic hive mind

Side Score: 4

Zombie apocalypse

Side Score: 1
2 points

Liberal's do not see groups as actual people, but rather votes.

When we scratch our heads wondering why the Democrat party is so in bed with illegal immigrants, possible terrorist refugees, the abortion trade, Feminists, LGBTALPHABET groups, etc., we make the mistake of looking at the extreme positions of these groups and wonder how could Democrat priorities be so backward?

It has nothing to do with the agendas of these groups, but rather the votes of these groups. They will latch onto any extreme group out there if it leads to votes for their Socialist agendas.

So my answer is no, it's not supernatural, it's Big Brother Socialism.

Side: Satanic demonic hive mind
2 points

LGBTALPHABET: good one I usually put LGBTQNZ, the N stands for necrophilia and Z for zoophilia .

Side: Satanic demonic hive mind
1 point

No. It's super natural. Why should we criticize "certain groups"?? We usually criticize certain actions or attitudes, not groups. If a "group" does things that deserve criticizing, we actually do the "natural" thing and criticize their actions, I think that's "super"!

Now, you take a conservative, (please). THEY criticize groups, like the FBI, the WHOLE GROUP! That's NOT natural OR super! :-)

Side: Zombie apocalypse