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 Is Michelle Obama the next to step into the 2020 race (3)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Is Michelle Obama the next to step into the 2020 race

The Democrats are scrambling for a 2020 candidate.
But i would have to say that the Obama name is a non starter now.
Nobody wants another Obama.
The Rich Democrats buy a 15 million dollar property and the Michelle wants to tell us what to feed our children and how to raise our children.
Does sound like the Rich Black Democrat is a Communist.   
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1 point

Michelle has no clue about government nor did her gay husband.

But one can bet that both of them are nothing more than liars.

Michelle Obama would be the typical Democrat choice.

She's a woman!

She's Black!

She's Liberal!

In the Left's world, those three qualifications are all a nation needs.

It matters not that she has no credentials to be President. Remember Hillary? Why do Democrats think a spouse of a President automatically makes that person qualified for Presidency?

This kind of shows the mindless qualifications it takes for a Democrat to become President. You don't have to know anything. All you have to do is tow the Liberal line, follow the dictates of all your special interest activist groups, and force their will on the nation.

1 point

Barack Obama is keeping his powder dry by not backing Biden as there is an excellent chance that Big Mama Obama may need his endorsement.