
Debate Info

With PETA Fed up with PETA
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 With PETA (1)
 Fed up with PETA (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is PETA starting to face a backlash?

You're either with PETA or against PETA.

Maybe they should change their name from PETA to PITA (Pain In The A$$ ;).


Side Score: 2

Fed up with PETA

Side Score: 7

Actually I'm for the Society for the Prevention of Little Animal Tragedies (also known as SPLAT ;)

Side: with SPLAT
2 points

PETA wanted the city of Beaverkill to change it's name. Beaverkill is a Dutch name, not meant to advocate the killing of beavers.

Side: Fed up with PETA

They just have nothing better to do. Kinda like Green Peace and those tree hugging environmentalists ;)

I heard of a Japanese boat called the Whale Kill and Green Peace wanted them to change the name. Whale Kill is a Japanese name, not meant to advocate the killing of whales. I mean, I know it was a whaling ship but still ;)

Side: Fed up with PETA
1 point

they mourned the death of the chimpanzee for ripping that girls face off and blamed the girl. they think animals have more rights than humans. I love animals, but seriously? And they demanded people release the whale that killed the trainers. KILL THAT THING. God put animals on this earth to eat. Do u honestly think they are here for decoration? And fur. I know its wrong the way they treat those animals, but thats how they make a living. they're not going to treat the animals with love and compassion if they're just gonna kill them. i say gimeee a nice, bloody, triple-patty burger ;)

Side: Fed up with PETA
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

PETA is an extremist group and I rarely agree with extremists on any issue, so I'll preface by saying by and large I think they are doing more harm than good for the cause and I don't generally support them.

But people have no business owning wild animals, especially animals as strong, intelligent, and willful as chimpanzees. It is practically an inevitability that someone treating a chimpanzee like a child or a puppy is going to get hurt. The victim (who was not even the chimp's owner) didn't at all deserve to be injured, and more people might have been hurt if the chimp hadn't been shot, but when a wild animal acts like a wild animal, who is to blame? The animal, or the person who attempted to keep the animal such an unsafe way? The same principles apply to the whale's situation. Animals were not put on this earth solely to serve people in any way, whether as food, entertainment, or decoration. We certainly have the intelligence and technology to use them that way, but we also have the compassion and empathy to understand that they are capable of suffering as well. We can raise an animals for their products without putting them through a torturous life and painful, prolonged death, and we can learn to respect that nature cannot be and should not be completely subjugated.

Side: Fed up with PETA
1 point

Honestly PETA is a waste of time and effort. I don't understand how people can honestly say poor animals...when there are human beings starving in different countries and people are on the streets.

I feel that first off it is good to eat vegetables don't get me wrong...but how can PETA complain about how certain countries kill so many animals when there are some people who can hardly afford to buy food for their families. Until every single person in every single country are able to afford the basic necessities then we shouldn't really worry about animal rights.

We should worry about Human rights which a lot of people in a lot of different countries are being refused. When people can get the respect they deserve then sure let's go and turn to animal rights but for now PETA to me is just an annoyance.

Side: Fed up with PETA