
Debate Info

Its evil No its funny
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Its evil (2)
 No its funny (3)

Debate Creator

SovietSpy(709) pic

Is Stereotyping, racist

American stereotyping

Its evil

Side Score: 2

No its funny

Side Score: 3
1 point

It employs ignorance in children when all they've heard was negatives about certainnn races!

lol some stereotypes are so true though :p why do indians always gotta call me buddy?

Side: Its evil
1 point

You suggest that the picture is "American stereotyping"... isn't that stereotyping Americans?

Side: No its funny
SovietSpy(709) Disputed
1 point

It had to be said, it needed to be shown as a stereotype. You see I am STEREOTYPING

Side: Its evil
1 point

You cant apply sterotypes to everyone but I have found that lots of people do live up to the stereotype, hard drinking, fighting Irish, stupid, obese Americans etc, its always made me wonder what came first the sterotype and some people are playing up to it or if the stereotype is actually based on traits shown by certain people, either way I know they dont apply to everyone and dont take it seriously

Side: No its funny
1 point

It isn't funny, thats for sure. And it isn't something I think people should do but it isn't racist. Although it could be used for racism. Stereotyping doesn't have to be about a bad quality. All black people are good at basketball. Thats a stereotype and it isn't really negative. Racism however is about subjugation and be better than the other race.

Side: No its funny