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Debate Score:41
Total Votes:50
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TheThinker(1688) pic

Is Tipping In Restaurants Mandatory?

The first time when i was attacked by not tipping was the first time that i decided not to tip. It was at a chinese buffet and i remember getting up. And this chinese waitress said "no tip?" or "what no tip?" or something similiar to that and i felt that she was being really disrespectful. I felt pressured into giving her money and so i did...One Dollar. In quarters.


And she didn't even showed me a table. It was this "guy." I do feel thankful that she is cleaning my dirty work but that is her job. And it is a chinese buffet...i have to be my own waiter. lol.


I remember searching this on the internet and this woman said that they get paid for $2.15 for being a waitress. And i am surprised because we live in 2012, that person should be paid more. And wasn't there a law that the minium wage should be at least $7.50 or something close to that? Besides, that person was werid because she sounded that she was the waitress and she admitted at the end of her comment that her husband was really the one who was serving. ??? lol it is possible that i read it wrong.

I don't think we HAVE to tip even if the service is good and even if i have the extra money. It is your money that you worked hard for and you should decide whether or not you should give it out to people as a kind gesture.


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 23
3 points

If the service was good, and nothing went seriously wrong then HELL YES you should tip.

I make 2.13 an hour at my waitress job. Sure, I have my other job, but I feel for the other waitress' who only wait. I've given great service to a customer and they walk out not leaving a single penny on the table. That is so annoying. THAT is how wait gets their money, through tips. And sure, the employer is supposed to make up for the minimum wage difference if you don't get enough tips. But that just gets you yelled at, or worse, fired.

I personally don't want to get yelled at or fired just because you couldn't tip someone who gave you good service.

-___- Serious rant here... Sorry. But it's so annoying.

Side: Yes
TheThinker(1688) Disputed
1 point

wait wait wait. 2 dollars and thirteen cents!!!? Really? Wow that is so low. I still don't think tipping should be mandatory but now i know that it is a right thing. Wow, so low. I am surprised.

Side: No
Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Yeah. That's it. At least in my state. It depends on where you are, but 2.13, I think, is the lowest. Which is absolutely ridiculous because it's been that way forever, and it's about time for a change.

Side: Yes

Some restaurants add a certain gratuity to the check. Food Servers don't make minimum wage, so, they depend on their tips.

Side: Yes

Well, it is the polite thing to do. And, people should not be cheap when tipping. Food Servers work hard for their money.

Side: Yes
0 points

I have to say that in the US tipping is/should be mandatory because it is expected by both the employer and wait staff. Tipping can certainly be a way to weed out the bad wait staff, but is some cheap SOB works the hell out of their wait staff and then stiffs them, that is bad news!

I believe that 20% is the expected (from the pre-tax amount), and if the person was really good I tip off of the tax amount or just throw in some additional to make them feel good. If the suck, but tried, then I will give them 18% off of the pretax check. If the suck (and I don't expect to go there again) i will give them 15%. If they were donwright rude, I will give them no more than 10% (understanding that this is a prime portion of their income). I don't beleive I have ever tipped less than 10%, even for really horrible service!

Side: Yes
1 point

I so wish all customers were like you.

I have this one group of women that come in ALL the time. They always make me think of a tornado. Because this is what they do. They come in, don't wait to be seated all though we have signs that clearly tell you to wait, then attack the salad bar about five times throughout their stay, making a mess of it and the table they're at, they ALWAYS complain about the plates on the salad bar being dirty, when we all know they're not, and they criticize nearly everything their waitress does.

Then leave nothing.

EVERY sing time. So we have to be away from other customers to hear them complain, and clean up their mess at the table and salad bar. And for what? nothing.

Sorry about this little rant, but it seriously is annoying. And they're not the only regular customer that comes in and simply doesn't tip.

During our buffet is a popular time people don't tip. Because they don't think we're doing anything. But their drink is full the whole time, their table is clear of all dirty plates and cups, and who do they think clears off their table once they leave?

It's not much, but it's still something. And we make sure the visit is pleasant.

>_< I'm going to stop now. Sorry.

Side: Yes
0 points

I do handle buffets differently. Generally if it is all self serve (including drinks etc.) I leave a $1/person. If it is semi-self serve, I leave $2/person. That normally ends up being 10% and 20% of the bill anyway.

Side: Yes
0 points

Unless an experience was terrible, it's shitty not to tip.

If restaurants paid all their servers at least minimum wage or a lot more depending on the restaurant quality, restaurant owners wouldn't just shrug their shoulders and eat the extra cost. They would raise the price of the food.

In America, the fact that you're expected to tip should not be a surprise to anyone. If someone doesn't want to tip a server, they should probably stay out of restaurants explicitly set up to function with servers who are supposed to get tipped.

Side: Yes
0 points

In my opinion, I believe that tipping is mandatory if you're paid in commission. If you think about it, these people are paid depending on how generous a person is. When you're paid on commission, you have to work much harder for your paycheck as opposed to working at a huge shopping chain like wal-mart where you can hide behind a rack of clothes for 7 hours and still get a nice paycheck.

Side: Yes
0 points

Servers make less than minimum wage because it's assumed that customers will tip. If you can't afford to tip, you go to a damned grocery store.

20% is the minimum. 15% for bad service.

Side: Yes
2 points

In Britain, it's mandatory to underpay. Seriously, you can just bitch and moan about the most pointless things, and not have to pay full price.

"Wah! I asked for Pepsi, not Coke. Take 20% off my bill!"

Or something.

I hear that in America, you can be beaten up for not tipping? Jesus Christ, I'd be a dead man walking.

Side: No
1 point

That sounds awesome! I have to try that.

Are you British or American?

Side: No
2 points

British, could you not tell from the complaining? ;)

Side: No
1 point

I am a generous tipper... usually at least 20+%, but it's not mandatory... (Unless you are part of a large group where they add it on the bill, That's BS but a subject for another debate)

However... I reserve my right to leave no tip at all if the service is that bad... I've done that about three or four times ever and I don't regret it.

Side: No

What are these "restaurants" you speak of? I only know of pubs ;)

Side: No

lol :)

Side: No
Micmacmoc(2259) Clarified
1 point

Restaurants are better versions of pubs.

Side: Yes
1 point

Unless the person that you are serving is evil and looks as though they have powerful friends (mafia), it isn't compulsory.

Side: No
1 point

You can tip if you want but you don't have too. You might as well give a hobo the money

Side: No
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

You might as well give a hobo the money

Please explain this one to me. How is tipping a waitress/waiter anything like money to a hobo?

Side: Yes
Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

I could be wrong, but I think dlin99 just meant that the money can be given to someone in need instead of a server. Not comparing a server to a hobo, but assuming that there is no harm done if the money were given to a hobo instead.

I would argue that a server is in need of the money if that is the case, considering they don't make enough on wages alone.

Side: Yes
dlin99(186) Disputed
1 point

you don't need to give them money, but you can if you want to just like you would if you see a hobo

Side: Yes
1 point

You don't HAVE to leave a tip. A tip is an extra amount of money you pay because you feel like it and you show your appreciation for the service. So NO it's NOT mandatory!

Side: No
1 point

it should not be mandatory from my point of view really because we are already paying for the food that we get from restaurants we should not have to leave a tip for the person who gave the order to the chef.

Side: No

Of course, tipping is not mandatory, it is a curiosity to tip depending on the service.

Side: No
nkresevic(50) Disputed
1 point

ya because some people depend on tips to make a lving i think it is right to tip

Side: Yes
1 point

Since the service depends on making a living, then the incentive is to provide good service.

Side: No
1 point

I just don't see the point of tipping. Like waiters and waitresses annoy me so much, if they try to earn it, they smile and try to talk and ask smth, omg, better if they are silents and almost not visible. Why should I tip? I see no reason

Side: No
0 points

No, it’s a "tip."

Which is why a server should still get paid at least the minimum wage.

A tip is a gift, not a wage. It should not be factored into what a company pays out to its employees.

Side: No
Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
0 points

But that's not how it works. If servers got minimum wage then that would be fine that it's a choice and not mandatory, but seeing as I get only 2.13 an hour, I think it should be mandatory.

Side: Yes
Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

I know that's not how it works, but I don't support the status quo.

You think it should be mandatory that the patron pays your wage, and I think it should be mandatory that your employer pays you a decent wage.

Anything you make extra for being a sweetheart (a tip) is a personal gift to you from the patron on top of what you should already make as a server.

Side: Yes