
Debate Info

Objective Subjective
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Objective (2)
 Subjective (3)

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MontysPython(522) pic

Is beauty objective or subjective?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5
3 points

Beauty is somewhat objective even though it's subjective because there are actual universal standards for beauty such as symmetry for example.

Side: Objective
1 point

When we understand how and why a sense of beauty evolved, we will be able to show that some aesthetics are more rational than others.

Side: Objective
3 points

beauty is subjective because it is something that must be perceived.

Side: Subjective
1 point

Completely subjective! No man holds the moral authority to define what is beautiful for another human being.

Side: Subjective
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

This is a statement without support.

What makes you believe moral authority is necessary to make this judgment?

If someone had such authority, how would their judgment be less subjective?

Side: Objective
thejax(68) Clarified
1 point

I think you misunderstood. No man may hold a moral authority over another individual and dictate personal subjective values for any single individual.

What I mean by that, is people will assume moral authority where there is no moral authority to begin with when making this subjective value judgement.

Side: Objective