
Debate Info

Excon says yes No.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Excon says yes (1)
 No. (1)

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Goblin2(102) pic

Is brown skin designed for picking lettuce and doing maid work?

Excon says yes

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

I would say yes to the lettuce picking, simply because it is less vulnerable to the sun. A "brown maid" is NO better suited for that job than a white one. In like manner, the color of ones skin has nothing to do with whether they would make a good doctor, CEO, Judge, scientist, given a chance at education, etc..

There DOES seem to be a question whether white skin has an effect on ones compassion, acceptance of races or religions or nationalities though. It seems like brown or black skin, in many cases, seems to lend itself to following Jesus more closely … for example.

Side: Excon says yes
Goblin2(102) Disputed
1 point

It seems like brown or black skin, in many cases, seems to lend itself to following Jesus more closely

The entire Islamic sector of African America is antisemitic and hates white people. Most black Christians act like they hate white people. Most black people hate Mexicans and vice versa . That's why they continue to form gangs to fight each other.

Side: No.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I, and MOST of those communities I believe would contest YOUR use of the words "most" and "entire". That's kind of like saying "MOST people in the U.S. (or the world, for that matter), support Trump". Or even ""MOST" things Trump does are for the middle class and minorities." 'taint so.

Side: Excon says yes
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