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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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Axmeister(4311) pic

Is it America's fault they have so many liberals?

Now some might argue that all these american liberals immigrated to the USA to escape the tyranny of their own countries. But I've always seen it as the outcome of the American Revolution, during the war the Conservatives wanted to stay a British colony (because they had common sense) and the Liberals thought that revolting would be a good idea, thus they roughly divided into the two sides of Loyalists and Rebels.

Then after the war all the Conservatives were run out of the new USA and they left for Canada.

So all you Americans who complain about liberalism, it's your own fault.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 5

This argument pre supposes that liberals are a bad thing. Personally, I'd much rather live in a country that was overwhelmingly liberal, than overwhelmingly conservative. My mind can be changed though. Care to convince me of the opposite?

Side: Yes
1 point

I dislike change, I personally prefer a country that is a stable rock from which I can build my life from. I don't want to have earned my way through life, gathering a satsifying amount of wealth, only to have liberals revolt or something and me having to lose all I've earned.

Side: Yes

I couldn't dislike change unless I am convinced that things are as good as they can and will ever be, and I am satisfied with that.

Side: Yes
2 points

Then after the war all the Conservatives were run out of the new USA and they left for Canada.

Yeah... because Canada is Sooooo conservative compared to America, LOL.

Side: No
1 point

Well, they still like our Monarchy. So that's conservative enough for me.

Side: No
1 point

And look what a complete and utter failure this 'America' turned out to be...(sarcasm...which I only have to explicitly clarify as such because this is an Axmeister debate)

Side: No
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

And what's different about my debates?

Side: Yes
1 point

No. Nothing is America's fault. Now, please rise for the pledge of allegiance.

Side: No
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point


Side: Yes
1 point

Haven't you been paying attention to the media? Everything is America's fault.

Side: Yes