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Yes Nah
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Yes (5)
 Nah (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is it bragging when I bring up the fact that I have in excess of 23,600 points


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 6
2 points

Yes joe, you love rubbing our faces in it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Why else would you bring it up?

Side: Yes

YES, Joe, it is you are getting the guy while we are all alone. Girl

Side: Yes

I was thinking maybe people should get a share of all the points generated by their debates. My joke debates don't generate much discussion. ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, of course...but I love it !

Side: Yes
1 point

It is just stating the obvious. I don't think is is bragging....

Side: Nah
1 point

The literal way to understand that statement doesn't imply a value judgment. Specifically, saying that you have a certain amount of points doesn't imply that it's good or amazing to have that amount of points. The implication that the amount of points is good or amazing can be the intention of the teller or imbedded in the tone of how the teller says it. However, the sentence itself "I have 23,600 points" includes neither of those elements. The statement is merely a claim on a fact about the world.

Side: Nah

So it's OK that I'm a point whore as long as I don't do my little happy points dance where everyone can see ;)

Side: Nah
1 point

No it's always good to brag On people especially ex's and old friends. Do it big and Ball out!!

Side: Nah
1 point

Well I have 99 points counting this one so, nana abobo.

Side: Nah
1 point

I don't think so cause it's no big deal I mean it doesn't really go with anything and you just brought it up once, so nah!

Side: Nah