
Debate Info

Yes, of course Uh, no
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:31
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 Yes, of course (5)
 Uh, no (13)

Debate Creator

Billie(790) pic

Is it ok in your opinion if your partner hits you?

Yes, of course

Side Score: 7

Uh, no

Side Score: 22

He he, only if I want her to. ;) Ha ha ha, then it's okay.


Side: Yes, Of Course

Hitting as in MMA, fetishes, Play, etc. then sure, hitting as in coercing no.

Coercion in most relationships and in most situations is inherently unhealthy, because it creates resentment,indifference and malice.

Side: Yes, Of Course
2 points


There is never an excuse for your partner to hit you, unless you're messing around and it was an accident. If my partner ever hits me once that's it, it's over.

Side: Uh, no
2 points

There's no reason for it .

Side: Uh, no
2 points

No, it's never ok for your partner to hit you for any reason !

Side: Uh, no
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
2 points

What if it's a fetish for the both of you? Then it should be just fine as long as you both consent and someone doesn't get severely injured.

Side: Yes, Of Course
Witchypoo(445) Disputed
2 points

Then I think you need some therapy .

Side: Uh, no
2 points

I can't think of any ?

Side: Uh, no
2 points

You can't think of any what? Lol

Side: Uh, no
1 point

LOL! Looking back at this it doesn't make sense... I think at the time I was reading everyone's arguments and of them were saying there was no reason... I think I meant I couldn't think of any reasons to hit your partner... that or I was just drunk! LOL

Side: Uh, no