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Debate Score:16
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Is it possible for zombies to exist?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 8
2 points

Zombies as in rising from the dead? No way. Zombies as a medical condition? Proven. the frontal lobe controls anger, and a small part of your brain controls both hunger and anger (awesome right?) so if the frontal lobe goes brain dead, and you get hungry you could chase after people so you can feed both your anger and stomach. So yes zombies (at least these ones) are proven. Debate (somewhat) closed.

Side: Yes

The modern zombies? Highly unlikely.

The original ZooDoo (African and Haitian versions) zombies that were basically brainwashed slaves? Yes.

Side: Yes

Why not?

Side: Yes
1 point

The whole "Thriller" version of zombies, you know, the ones where they rise from the grave, completely unrealistic.

The whole "World War Z" version of zombies, you know, a disease causing people to go crazy and loose control of their ability to stay sane, it could actually happen.

It might not be a disease that could cause a zombie apocalypse, but drugs could have some effects as well.

Side: Yes

Anything is possible, but not likely. Hundred billion people have lived on planet Earth, and zero have risen from the dead.

Side: No
Blazeyice(64) Clarified
1 point

1. Jesus 2. lazarus

Side: Yes
1 point

Neither came back in physical form. So, it still stands as no one.

Side: No

Not likely. And if you think about it zombies are conceptually a thing doomed to extinction. Their only food source is also their only mode of reproduction. If they eat all the humans, they cease reproduction and starve back to death. If they infect all the humans, reproduction stops and they starve back to death. If any humans survive uninfected and uneaten, it would be a simple matter of waiting until zombie reproduction stopped and they all starved back to death before humans could reclaim earth.

Side: No
1 point

Yes but in some zombie shows like the walking dead zombies also eat animals.

Side: No

Humans can often chase down one another, but humans are not usually able to catch animals unassisted. That's why we have fishing poles and hunting rifles and traps and such. And zombies are basically just slow, brain-dead humans, so they have an even smaller chance of being able to catch an animal; certainly they wouldn't be able to successfully hunt enough game to survive. A cognitive, trained hunter with tracking skills and a gun would still be hard pressed to kill enough game to live off of; a zombie has no chance. So that would reduce them to primarily scavenging dead carcasses, an activity where they would have to compete with a number of scavenger animals that are generally better suited for the task of scavenging, as well as other zombies. So I'm not convinced zombies could successfully hunt animals or find dead animals often enough to survive as a species.

Zombies aren't really designed for a long and prosperous life as a species.

Side: No
1 point

Zombi. They're a Voodoo brainwashing technique- all drugs and rumours, no actual death.

Side: No
1 point

Technically no, because ths skin would rot away aswell as the lack of blood would stop your muscles from being able to move.

Side: No

Zombies only exist in horror movies. Zombies are not real.

Side: No