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victor01(146) pic

Is it wrong to support your birth country when you are living in another?

My parents are American and I am Russian. When they heard about the Russian spies they were very upset. I was not sure actually, I thought it was kind of cool because it was/is actually happening rather then me having to read about it in books. Anyway, when my parents heard about the American spies in Russia they were very happy. I am proud to be an American and I will do the best that I can when I join the military to protect us, but is it wrong to want to support your own country on issues like this?


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No it is not wrong. I am Irish lived most of my life in England but now live in Crete Greece. You can imagine the issues in my head in regard to the IRA Irish Republican Army and what is know as "THE TROUBLES" in Ireland. The IRA killed hundreds of innocent people on the English mainland with their cowardly planting of bombs in the major cities. I was/am well versed in Irish history and the way the British Government treated the Irish. I understood the conflicts. My heart is in Ireland but my reasoning allowed me to rest comfortably with all that is good from both countries. Russia and its people suffered more than anyone in the two world wars. Be proud of your Russian heritage I would be.

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