
Debate Info

1 point 2 point
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 1 point (1)
 2 point (1)

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instig8or(3308) pic

Is making debates for points alone a good idea?

1 point

Side Score: 1

2 point

Side Score: 1
1 point

I think you should do it with other people.

Side: 1 point
1 point

No, it is never a good idea!

Side: 2 point
wisegrip(132) Clarified
1 point

No would also be my answer. What's the point of just running one's mouth to rack up numbers and what purpose does that severe? As seemingly mature people who have a better solution or a better understanding of a situation seems to me a merit for debating. Spending time without end for no other reason just to say I got 2 points today sound like a very boring waist of time.

Side: 1 point