
Debate Info

Money depends on health Health depends on money
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Money depends on health (3)
 Health depends on money (1)

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alstars(739) pic

Is money dependent on health or health dependent on money?

Money depends on health

Side Score: 3

Health depends on money

Side Score: 1
1 point

You need to work to earn money, which requires good physical health.

Side: Money depends on health
1 point

This is useful information. I am an introvert and often experience panic attacks. But recently I decided to try this product and my life sparkled with new colors. I began to feel interest in communication and new acquaintances, and I also stopped suffering from panic attacks and stress. Therefore, I advise all introverts with stress problems to look at the site.

Side: Money depends on health
1 point

you have to have money to buy health care and without money you wouldn't get the services you need

Side: Health depends on money
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

You live in USA, here in Britain healthcare comes with the tax money.

Side: Money depends on health