
Debate Info

proFWTIUE=prolife No
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 proFWTIUE=prolife (8)
 No (8)

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Atrag(5666) pic

Is prolife pro-force-women-to-incubate-unwanted-embryo?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 9
3 points

Yes. There is no reason why we don't use the term proFWTIUE for pro-life as we use proabortion for pro-choice

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
3 points

Pro-life is restricting women to only one option and is equal to the government ordering women to keep their pregnancies. Pro-choice is pro-maintaining the already existent laws we have and the choice to keep or abort a pregnancy. Pro-abortion is a bullshit incoherent scare tactic to defame the pro-choice side by making it appear like we favor abortions when actually its usually the opposite however we RESPECT a womans right to her own damn uterus.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
1 point

Where does the Constitution say that it is okay to kill an unborn child?

Side: No
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
3 points

The constitution declares that all powers not delegated to the state or federal government lie with the people and that all rights not contained within the bill of rights are not the only rights people have (9th amendment). Within that are included the natural rights that go without saying that would be part of the Lockean "state of nature" that we wrote about in his 2nd treatise of government which explains that a persons cheif most possession is their own body and their right to control any functions carried out by it. This of course would cover a woman's right to her own uterus and to terminate the process of pregnancy.

Its also part of our legislation and was maintained within the court case Roe v Wade.

Research is a bitch.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Learn about your country. People have more rights than those in the constitution.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
1 point

I agree. Embryos of 64 cells are definitely babies. Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid. If our founding father didn't speak about abortion when they wrote the constitution, how can it possibly be justifiable?

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Where does the constitution say it is okay to force a woman to give birth?

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife

Yes, it does. And it gets worse than that, because at least one jurisdiction that has proposed such legislation (Georgia- general description and link to actual proposed legislation in article) has included with it the necessity of performing investigations into miscarriages that do not occur within a hospital, ostensibly to ensure that it was in fact a miscarriage and not an illegal abortion.

My wife and I experienced a miscarriage when we were trying for our first, and it was an incredibly devastating experience. I can only imagine how much more terrible the ordeal would have been were we subjected to investigation under suspicion of having had an illegal abortion.

Pro-life legislation has a definite impact on women in general, even those who never had any intent to abort.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
2 points

That gives off the impression that random women are randomly being implanted with random embryos, and being forced to hold them.

It's more so outlawing the termination of that unwanted embryo that she made the choice to have.

She's not really forced to hold it, she just can't kill it. Though I guess since their is nothing else to do with it, holding it is her only option.

Side: No
2 points

It's more so outlawing the termination of that unwanted embryo that she made the choice to have.

The presence of the embryo does not imply that the woman made the choice to have it there. In cases of contraceptive failure and rape, the woman has actually demonstrated the opposite of consent/intent.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Oops, I neglected that part.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
1 point

Is there any particular reason that decision should live with someone for the rest of their life?

Isn't it only fair to even the playing field since men can just run away?

Side: No
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Not at all to your first question, and I absolutely agree with your second.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife

Unless the women is raped, she made choices that resulted in the creation of their unborn child. If women do not want a baby, they need to use contraception or close their legs. For rape victims, the progestin only emergency contraceptive pill is available. There is no reason to kill unborn children unless it is an ectopic pregnancy.

Side: No
1 point

I agree. We shouldn't call pro-lifers pro-force-women-to-incubate-unwanted-embryo because they can travel back in time and not have sex so that they aren't forced to incubate unwanted embryos rather than abort them when they find out they are pregnant. (sorry hun, sometimes I misunderstand your arguments :( I hope I got it right)

Sitara rules!!!

Side: No

I don't think that is the intention of the pro-life people. I think the intention is to put some of the responsibility for getting pregnant on women. I mean, it's not like a woman goes to the store to get a gallon of milk and "whammo!" all of a sudden... she's pregnant ;)

Side: No
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

Even in a porno movie, when she's sitting around waiting for the pool boy or pizza delivery guy to get there to service her, she is not pregnant after they leave ;)

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife
1 point

No, the argument is pretty ridiculous if you think about it, especially if you consider 99% of the time the woman consented to sex and she should know that even with protection pregnancy is a possibility.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

You misunderstood. I'm talking about once the woman is pregnant. At which point pro-force-women-to-incubate-unwanted-embryo accurately describes the pro-life viewpoint.

Side: proFWTIUE=prolife