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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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GuitaristDog(2538) pic

Is punk rock dead?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 6
2 points

For the most part... yes. But 15 years from now it will be all the rage! ;)

Side: Yes

no. it may not be as popular as it was then, but its not dead, but has simply died down in popularity. but yea its still here. still hangin onto life. ;)

Side: No
1 point

Explain to me how a genre of music can be "dead".

Furthermore explain how it is supposed to be dead OR alive - to who? Everybody? Just because something is dead to you doesn't mean it's dead to me.

This is why I hate genres. A lot of my favorite music is hard to define. There is not one genre of music that I can completely say "oh I don't like country"(for example). I generally do not but every now and then there will be a song I like.

If you like a song you like it if you don't you don't.

Side: No
GuitaristDog(2538) Clarified
1 point

I hate genres to, but if I labeled the debate "are the styles of -many punk rock bands here- still used today" it would be weird. I have just noticed that there is alot less punk music today, alot of it is either pop punk (pop on guitar with distortion) or alternative.

Side: Yes
JakeJ(3255) Clarified
1 point

Ooh I see what you meant.


Side: Yes
1 point

An interesting question.

If by the purpose of Punk, then possibly. A lifestyle and culture can never truly last beyond its original form. Eventually the culture will die with the times. While it may still possess an older generation, the newer generation is being influenced by the different times brought to them by their parents.

Punk as art is still alive, but the world of Punk that the punks once had is at least dying. Not that this is something to be feared. Punk culture is evolving, leaving behind the older species which is the original punk.

Side: No
1 point

Punk is far from dead it may not get the press coverage it used to and there has been a definate blurring of the lines between Rock and Punk but all in all it is still going strong, I saw the Damned about six months ago and the place was rammed, PIL are releasing a new album soon and one of our local punk covers bands always play to full crowds and Jello Biaffra has even been in touch with them and said he likes there version of Too Drunk To Fuck and Holiday In Cambodia, so in my view there's life in the old dog yet

Side: No

There are still punk rock bands around and I don't think this music genre is going away.

Side: No

No, maybe it's not as popular as it used to be, but it's definitely not dead.

Side: No