
Debate Info

Yes! No, it's what you want
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes! (1)
 No, it's what you want (2)

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croatianchic(285) pic

Is saying I want to marry a "black man" racist?

I dont' try to be racist, but I just like black guys better than white...


Side Score: 1

No, it's what you want

Side Score: 2

Yes. You are not saying " I'm attracted to black guys" You are saying you are going to choose a black man to be with for no other reason then the color of his skin. I feel sorry for the man you choose, cause he is doomed to a life of bigotry at the hands of you.

Side: Yes!
1 point

No it's not rascist because black people are always , "WHITE PEOPLE are the best sometimes !"

But if you call them Nggers , then yeah . It's rascist . But I dont think the term 'black person' is rascist ...

Side: No, it's what you want

No. You can marry whoever you want. But saying "I wanna marry a black guy because all other races suck." would be racist. So it really all depends on your reasons.

Side: No, it's what you want