
Debate Info

Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 YES (3)
 NO (4)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Is supplanting Obama's face onto the United States of American flag an disgrace?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
3 points

Sure it is disgraceful. The American flag represents not just America but the American people, not any one individual. By adding the likeness of an individual they are summing up their entire country to that one individual, and most Americans have little to do with Obama, just as Obama truly has little to do with the average American.

Side: YES
1 point

Yes... it's a disgrace! Hell Obama himself is a disgrace but it's not illegal and even idiots have the right to freedom of speech.

Side: YES
1 point

The stars replaced represent each individual state of this Union. Our active duty and veterans fought for this country, not its President. His audacity to put his face in place of those stars, to me, signifies his desire to eliminate states and their governments under a dictatorship, HIS dictatorship.

Side: YES

Even though millions of men and women bravely served and died for the right to freedom to speech, freedom of speech must be protected at all costs even if it is disgracing the integrity of the flag.

This is no different than the absolute freedom of speech in burning the American flag.

Side: NO

Meh, I'm not American, I'm Australian; I don 't care ;)

Side: NO

Excellent!! Thanks for your meaningless two cents

Side: NO

He is the President so such an act would not be disgraceful.

Side: NO