
Debate Info

Yes Wrong
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:22
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 Yes (5)
 Wrong (7)

Debate Creator

shaneAC(52) pic

Is the Bird the Word

Do you know about the bird?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 12
2 points

According to a recent study the bird is equal to or greater than the word .

Side: Yes
1 point

you are restless yet I find you do not resist my hands and my tendons they reach for you_ to touch you

Side: Yes
2 points

No, the bird is a turd.

Side: Wrong
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

Wrong again.

You are the turd around here, dipshit.

Ask anybody!


Go ahead: sack up. Do a debate: "Am I a turd?"

I guarantee the overwhelming majority will vote in the affirmative to that query.

Including me.

Nobody likes you.

Side: Yes
Hellno(17724) Disputed
4 points

You're such a hostile little troll. Anger issues? It's the internet and I don't personally know anyone on here, why would I care if anyone liked me? You want to put up that debate, go ahead... I couldn't care less.

How old are you really? And I'm not talking about the lie you tell on here, but your real age because you act like a child... I mean, I'm immature but your nobody likes you comments, LOL.

Side: Wrong

While yes bird is a word it is not the word for more information visit your local library

Side: Wrong

Hello :) i am been to the library for many times. It can be for to be learning and is for fun for me thanks!

Side: Wrong
supermasuel(170) Disputed
1 point

What did you just say that is so confusing..........................................

Side: Yes
-1 points

Me encanta la biblioteca. He leído todo el tiempo . Voy a la biblioteca de mi escuela --o en mi ciudad por lo menos dos veces por semana...

La lectura es poder!

Gracias por dejarme practicar mi español !

Buena suerte con tu Inglés, mi amigo !

Side: Wrong
1 point

It used to be the word, but that was decades ago. You don't get to be the word indefinitely.

Side: Wrong
1 point

Bird is the nickname of my favorite Jazz Sax player of all-time...Mr. Charlie Parker.

I also like Ornette Coleman; John Coltrane; Dexter Gordon; and Stan Getz.

I love Jazz!

Do you?

Side: Wrong