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clementho(51) pic

Is the Singapore Tax system fair?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 15
4 points

In order for a country to build roads, government buildings etc, we need to pay taxes. Although the poorer people may not be able to pay them, but they can try to use more of the reliefs. Compared to other developed counties, Singapore's GST is lower compared to other countries.

Side: Yes
2 points

Its fair as the poor have to pay less tax and the rich have to pay more tax and the average class people have to pay a average amount of tax.So its fair siol!!!

Side: Yes
jerometanjoe(2) Disputed
2 points

the rich should pay equal or a little more tax than average class people.

Side: No
apppandakai(2) Disputed
1 point

The Singapore tax system is trying to balance the various income groups. Thus, the rich who have more spare money and can afford to indulge more should pay more tax while the average class who have a reasonable amount of spare money and can afford to indulge but less than the rich, should pay much less and not equal or little less tax than the rich. Having the rich to pay equal or a little more tax than the average class would be unreasonable and unfair. After all, majority of Singaporeans are in the middle income group.

Side: No
dylan_chua(1) Disputed
1 point

the rich pay more tax,the poor pay very little tax

the government also needs the money to fund some projects that will benefit everyone

Side: Yes
1 point

It is fair as the poor can pay less tax and the rich have to pay more tax.Average people just need to pay an average amount

Side: Yes
1 point

It is fair as the tax is even distributed among the different people of different social status.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes.Singapore already has a low tax compared to other countries that are well developed and we receive money for earned income,HouseWife,having a child,being a parent to lower the tax further :)

Side: Yes
1 point

In my opinion, the Singapore Tax system is fair as poor people have to pay less tax and rich people have to pay more tax. It is affordable to all people.

Side: Yes

As far as I've heard or read the tax system in the South-East Asian nations is quite fair,taxes are collected mostly from the super-rich and the poor pay around a bit more than 25% of the total;Yet again,40% live on streets.

Side: Yes
flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

Asian countries implement many different tax systems. Singapore happens to be a tax haven similar to Ireland.

Side: No
1 point

The government needs money to manage and maintain roads and other public places like te library

Side: Yes
2 points


Its not fair lah!Its so unfair!What if i very poor and then I no children no wife?Must pay alot of tax right?


Side: No
1 point

For rich parents who earn a lot because of their hard work they will have to pay more it was not their choice to become so rich so there will be losing a lot of money

Side: No
1 point

The tax collected from the high income group is likely only a small percentage of their spending power.

Side: No
1 point

I don't have tax so how do i say whether it is fair or not

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

You don't have any money at all? :(

If you did, and you bought something with it, you would pay tax on the purchase.

Side: Yes
1 point

rich pay more because of thier hard work?that is not fair.

Side: No
1 point

Singapore and Ireland are tax havens for the rich. Not sure what you guys are complaining about.

Singapore has a great education system, English and Mandarin as primary languages. Great welfare and healthcare. Low taxes compared to world averages.

The only thing I would complain about is the lack of voting power. The voting system is too corrupt.

Side: No
1 point

Only the rich will get poor incomes and the poor will get bad incomes...


Side: No
1 point

It is unfair for a man at the lower end of the middle income group who has no wife, no children and no insurance. Thus under the current tax scheme, he will have to foot(pay)an expensive tax bill which is unreasonable as he has to support his parents and it will cause him to have little money to indulge.

Side: No
1 point

op(overpriced) the tax costs too much and the reliefs are too little.

Side: No