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ptosis(243) pic

Is the USA a pluralist democracy?

The role of the government in a Pluralist Democracy is to protect and promote diversity. This theory deems human nature selfish and acquisitive.

state autonomy theory says that government is always an independent force, thanks in part to its control of the military.

elite theory says that the leaders of big organizations runs the country

Marxism says that property owners have domination over the great unwashed masses.

Clues that you live in a fascist regime:

A government subservient to the interests of the country's largest corporations. Wal-Mart is the world's biggest corporation & Hillary Clinton the US secretary of state is a board member of Walmart.

Government agencies or officials declaring themselves exempt from portions of the law or constitution. Congress has exempted itself from a broad array of laws covering civil rights, minimum wages, and safety requirements and discrimination. Congress would exempt itself from the laws of gravity if it could.

Security bubble around government leaders' public appearances including preselected audiences and limit on proximity of protests. Some believe that the bubblearound the modern presidency can be traced back directly to FDR.28


Side Score: 1


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1 point

It's a [B]Kleptocracy[/B] - and the so-called 'elections is mere political kabuki:

Why is the US going to go default in August? Taxes to the richest used to be 90% well now here is there situation:

Quote from From-Democracy-to-Kleptocr-by-Richard-Clark

"If you are unfortunate enough to be a successful small entrepreneur who nets a mere $100,000 a year, you pay 15.3% self-employment and 25% Federal tax on the bulk of your income, a combined rate of 40.3%, and a combined rate of 43.3% on all income above $82,400. By contrast, those who net millions pay less than half that amount, somewhere between 17%, for the top 1/10th of 1%.

In contrast to what is paid by the top 1/10th of 1% , the small businessperson in California earning $100,000 pays between 5% and 9% state tax, so their combined state and Federal tax burden on their highest earnings is a whopping 50%. Then there are property taxes and the 9.5% sales tax, and endless junk fees that are skimmed from small businesses. Add all that together and the total taxes paid rises to the 60% level, or roughly triple what the top 1% pay !" :(

Supporting Evidence: Ur F*cked! (
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