
Debate Info

Deism Monotheism
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Deism (2)
 Monotheism (3)

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Keith1988(34) pic

Is the USA's problem is/was Deism or is it Monotheism?

If you all don't know. The United States of America was founded on Deism - not the currently dominant Christianity or Catholisism. Deism can be many things, does beleive in a god or gods, but it actively does not support organized religion (churches and books) - sometimes it simply means that it is believed god does exist but has no real involvement with mankind. So, that being said. The United States was founded on this and has somehow, overtime, become very much dominated by religions its forefathers and heroes did not stand for. 

So, being as the USA's beliefs and laws are built around two confliciting moral structures - Deism and Monotheism. With all of this crazy stuff about freedoms, rights, incest, gay marriage, evolution,creationism - all manner of contradicitory laws and social structures. Which do you think is the 'wrench in the gears' so to speak?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3
0 points

Only some of the founding fathers were deists George Washington for instance was Episcopalian.

Side: Deism
Keith1988(34) Disputed
1 point

George Washington was a open Deist. Not Episcopalian - my argument was based initionally off of research of him.

Side: Monotheism
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point
1 point

Everything was working out well. Now we started allowing religious people to dictate laws. We need to get away from that and get back to our roots.

Side: Monotheism

As a deist I feel obligated to say it has to be monotheism. No one that supports what I support, that I know of, is trying to restrict another's freedoms. We all just live and let live. The only issue I've ever seen when it comes to the religious is those with one God, who's God claims to be the only one and forbids all others.

Side: Monotheism