
Debate Info

Yep Nope
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 Yep (4)
 Nope (2)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Is time travel possible?


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 3

Yes!!! Once I drank too much and when I woke up, it was morning. ;)

Side: Yep
1 point

Exactly (well, not Exactly, but same idea).

If you go to sleep at 7PM and your friend stays up until 7AM when you wake up, it feels as though seconds have passed. To your friend it feels as though hours have passed. Traveling to the future is possible. Time travel into the past however I do not see as viable in any sense.

If you were to slow down immensely, everything around you would appear to speed up. To you, a day would feel like a minute. But to everybody else, it would feel like a day.

Side: Yep
2 points

Is time travel possible?

I've been traveling through time since 1985.

Side: Yep
0 points

Yes! One moment I'm standing in the present and the next moment I'm standing in the past's future of what was my present at one point in time.

Side: Yep
1 point

Actually, time travel is happening all around us. Hold out your hand and every second a dozen or so tiny nuclear particles called cosmic ray muons will pass straight through you. These particles are too small to feel and sometimes do damage which your body repairs. Astronauts in space can die from too much cosmic ray damage which causes radiation sickness.

Side: NOPE

Time travel is impossible. It is nice to fantasize about it. I would like to travel to the future.

Side: Nope