
Debate Info

Yes, it is in human nature. No, it is not in our nature.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Yes, it is in human nature. (8)
 No, it is not in our nature. (3)

Debate Creator

anguyen(6) pic

Is war in human nature?

Debating whether war is something humans are compelled to do since birth, or if human beings are taught to war against each other.  

Yes, it is in human nature.

Side Score: 8

No, it is not in our nature.

Side Score: 3
1 point

Yeah, I think so.. People were born to try to survive in this world.. And in some instances, you have to fight someone in order to survive. Not only war with others, but also war with ourselves..

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.
1 point

yes, humans fight over everything. they tend to do that allot. Humans look for anything to fight over whether it is religion, football, women, men, abortion, food, cloth...and then all those small conflicts turn to big ones and then they turn to war and then we all die...then they fight about who wants to die first and where he wants to die and how he wants to be killed omg -_-

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.
1 point

sorry for the three posts, it is an internet thingie ! !

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.
1 point

yes, humans fight over everything. they tend to do that allot. Humans look for anything to fight over whether it is religion, football, women, men, abortion, food, cloth...and then all those small conflicts turn to big ones and then they turn to war and then we all die...then they fight about who wants to die first and where he wants to die and how he wants to be killed oh my god!!! -_-

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.
1 point

yes, humans fight over everything. they tend to do that allot. Humans look for anything to fight over whether it is religion, football, women, men, abortion, food, cloth...and then all those small conflicts turn to big ones and then they turn to war and then we all die...then they fight about who wants to die first and where he wants to die and how he wants to be killed oh my god!!! -_-

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.
1 point

im not sure but i think so (i think) but i mean, people were born to fight for there countrie and to fed for themselves and look after there families and defend the people they love i mean fighting is in our blood and they only do it when the time is wright and they have to REALLY - I THINK :)

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.

Humans fight each other when they think they have something to gain or fear they have something to lose.

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.

The nature of the beast haunts mankind. It is a shame that peace could not be the nature of the beast.

Side: Yes, it is in human nature.

Wil the creator of the debate come back

Side: No, it is not in our nature.
1 point

I'm human and it's not in my nature.

Side: No, it is not in our nature.
1 point

War is not in our nature, because if it were, why do soldiers experience such things as shell shock during WW1. And so many veterans committed suicide, that the government started a suicide hotline just for veterans.

Side: No, it is not in our nature.