
Debate Info

Yay!!! Boo hoo!!!
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Yay!!! (8)
 Boo hoo!!! (3)

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jolie(9809) pic

It's time to put the gun control debate on hold again - until the next mass shooting.

The Senate has blocked the gun measures offered after the Orlando shootings.

So..., if you are against gun control..., you won.  Yay!!!

If you are for gun control...., you lost.  Again.  Boo hoo!!!


Side Score: 8

Boo hoo!!!

Side Score: 3
1 point

No laws about anything should be created in the wake of any large scale rare event. Legislation should be taken seriously enough to pass laws with cool heads and reason rather than emotion.

Side: Yay!!!
1 point

Progressives will never accept that a Islamic Terrorist committed the 2nd Worst Mass Shooting in American History. Truth and Reality just escapes them which is by their choice!

Side: Yay!!!
1 point

And when gun control does pass, we still wait for the next mass shooting to pass more. Rinse. Repeat. Also, mass shootings are a very small percentage of gun homicides overall. Most gun crimes happen in between and during mass shootings, so why do gun control advocates only start to speak up after mass shootings? Hmm.

Side: Yay!!!
0 points

Yeah. It's really sad, more will have to die. It's great for terrorists, though, both foreign and domestic. Republicans are taking good care of them, and, will obviously get another chance to blame Obama for "allowing" them kill Americans with the guns Republicans arm them with.

Funny, over 70% of Republicans and over 90% of Dems. want SOME gun control ... whatever happened to "majority rule"?? (Oh, it's majority NRA rule now.) I get it. Well, may the majority of the next slaughter be NRA members.

Side: Boo hoo!!!
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Blame California for the NRA being so strong. Blame New York for the NRA being so strong. The huge liberal states that are violating the majority rule and passing gun laws that people don't want are forcing gun owners to give massive amounts of money to the NRA.

Side: Yay!!!
Poseidon(61) Clarified
1 point

What gun control are you talking about? There has been a hundred years of gun control measures come down the line and you want more. Well what do you want? If you got that, would it be enough for you or would you demand more the next time something like this happens?

Side: Yay!!!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

The "gun control" I am talking about is the gun control the majority of Americans (including a majority of Republicans), that is R-E-A-S-O-N-A-B-L-E. Just like drunk driving laws, they wont stop ALL killings, but if they stop a FEW hey are worth it.

NO! I, and a majority of others WILL NOT "demand" more than is reasonable. I AM, and always have been a gun owner. I have NO worry that "they" will usurp the Constitution and "take" my guns. That "majority" would fight like hell against that, as would I. If you unreasonable ones would ALLOW the REAL majority to rule, as it has in the past, we Americans would be fair. ALL of the gun owners are NOT Republicans, we like OURS too.

Side: Yay!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

An "ISLAMIC TERRORIST" committed the 2nd Worst Mass Shooting in American History but you Progressives just can't see it. But your response is to blame Republicans ? Then your next response is to blame the NRA ! You are aware the "ISLAMIC TERRORIST" passed all background checks even though he was under FBI investigation for 10 months right ?

Side: Yay!!!
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

The "Islamic terrorist" in question knew he would make much more of a "splash" in the media if he, at the last minute, made this "support of ISIS" call. It worked! He has made himself much more famous! (AND gave himself a reason for the act). What if he was just unable to handle his own, unacceptable to him, sexuality? He, as a Muslim, couldn't stand that he found he really WAS GAY!

"Hmmmm. "I am a sinner against Muhammad! If I support ISIS, maybe he'll forgive me!"

Just as probable as his being "radicalized"! We really don't know .... unless we know everything about "mooslims", as many on here claim to! The righties will ridicule that statement simply because it turns the argument somewhat back to the assault weapons. NO<NO<NO<NO<NO! We can't have THAT!

Side: Boo hoo!!!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Where it should be, with the "radicals". Let's not forget, there are THOUSANDS more Muslims being killed than any other religion. The radicals just like to "display" the Christians killed so that some people will react to the hatred between religions that they are looking for .... I won't mention any names....! That way they spread more fear and havoc, get more disillusioned recruits and look more like THEY are winning. The speech they make before the beheadings about the United States "atrocities" is the frosting on the cake for them. Trump (and others), want to give them the atrocities they need, like Bush did.

Side: Yay!!!
meccawrecka(15) Disputed
1 point

Yes, both parties want some gun control, but the type they both want are very different. The democrats want more background checks, an assault weapons ban, and a national registry. Republicans at least recognize that none of these will help (registry is dangerous) and want actual smarter gun control WITHOUT restricting our rights. However, that solution is difficult, which is something democrats don't understand.

Side: Yay!!!