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Debate Score:14
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repubgal(336) pic

Janet Napolitano Better Choice For Democratic VP.

Biden VS Napolitano


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 4
1 point

To get this started:

YES!!!! She was named as one of the US's BEST STATE GOVENORS of ALL TIME!!!! I'm a REPUBLICAN, who shares few liberal views, and I STILL like her!!!! She's Arizona's ONLY re-elected woman govenor, and third female govenor of the state. She has nice qualifications. I think she fits the bill quite nicely. Now, someone care to add something???

Side: Yes!
1 point

The things you failed to mention are the most important of all repubgal! I know Janet Napolitano to some degree and I happen to like her as well. I know she's been the Governor of Arizona for a while and that Arizona is quite liberal in electing women to that office. Can you tell me what you consider to be her "nice qualifications" for Vice President and how she would fit "the bill quite nicely?" Why do you think she'd be a better choice for VP than Joe Biden?

Side: And her qualifications are what
repubgal(336) Disputed
1 point

She has boosted Arizona's economy to some extent, and she MUST have decent qualifications to be named on of the best govenor's of ALL TIME by Time mag...I am a republican, but I think Obama made a stupid choice when choosing Biden. It's a personal thing. I just like Janet better. What makes Biden better??? By the way what did I fail to mention???

Side: Yes!

It is now 2015 and I think Janet Napolitano would be a good VP choice in the upcoming 2016 Presidential election.

Side: YES!
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