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Debate Score:27
Total Votes:28
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gag1192(6) pic

Justin Bieber is a douche bag


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 7
3 points

I say deport her ass back to Canada!

Side: yes

Alright, I agree. I'll get the shovle and gasoline you get the... errmm Uh I mean lets uhh get the 12 gage with slugs er... uhh....

Side: yes
2 points

He is a piece of shit who doesn't give a thought to anyone else besides himself, calls people and his fans names, eggs people's houses, thinks he's better than everybody else, not to mention he spits on to people which is an age old sign of disrespect and resent. Need I continue? I think not. It is pretty clear that he is a douche bag.

Side: yes
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Please continue.... this is entertaining. ;)

Side: no

Even God knows how much of an idiot douche he is.


Here are some random letters so it will let me post this comment


Side: yes

5 years from now, no one will give a shit about him. He will go crazy and be replaced with some different boy that girls find "cute". He will then become very depressed and move back to Canada. The Canadians will then be sad thinking they got rid of him when they threw him over the border. Then he will move to Sweden, become a porn star. 10 years after that he dies an odd mix of STDs.

Side: yes
1 point

Yeah... this sounds about right.

Side: yes
1 point

He recently was arrested for drunken driving and resisting arrest. He has been spiraling down into a dark pit of failure and a few years from now we shall no longer remember his name.

Supporting Evidence: Beiber's Arrest (
Side: yes

This is a true story. Once I was listening to a radio and a song came up and I never did know the beginning of baby and I thought it was someone like Taylor swift even though she has the exact same sound in every song, mamaking her easy to tell apart. As soon as I heard the baby part I burst out laughing XD

Side: yes

I was wandering when he would be arrested. When I saw it on the news this morning I had the greatest smirk on my face :)

Side: yes
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Wow you are just a hater. You are no better than a douchebag. Smirking because of someone else's misery? That's total douchebaggery.

Side: no

He is an obnoxious, deluded, egocentric twat who thinks that he is some kind of gangster but is merely some skinny, effeminate teenager from Canada who sings stupid songs.

Side: yes

He needs to Go to Rehab. Dude smokes weed and drinks while driving. His Father should be trying to get him some help. He's not even 21 yet!

Side: yes
1 point

I don't know him, maybe he is, maybe he's not.

Side: no

He dos what he dos 4 all of dey ladies and laddies and that is an obvious jestchair of niceness.

DOuchebags can not be nice.

Side: no
Popcorn12432(30) Disputed
2 points

Your grammer is horrible and your idea of a douche is horrible as well. He ran over a guy spit on his fans peed in a janitors bucket and smokes weed. Only %4 of the world still loves him. Even Canada hates him. How is it even possible to be hate by Canada? And when you were born there? Wow.

Side: yes
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Bassless insertions. Provoke ur evidance oar leave here widith ur pants.

Side: no