
Debate Info

Facts But Mein Fuhrer
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 But Mein Fuhrer (3)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

LevinTV/Brontoraptor Back To His Old Tricks. Using Multi Accounts To Downvote People.

I've told you guys a hundred times. You can't bargain with, appease, negotiate with or shame fascists. They will cheat, lie and steal and then blame you for it. The only way you can stop these guys is by force or at the election ballot. Even then the second one isn't a guarantee. They'll just bide their time and get stronger.


Side Score: 0

But Mein Fuhrer

Side Score: 5
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Hypocrite, you have done the same thing, to me. Pot, meet kettle.

Side: But Mein Fuhrer
1 point

Also, every single time Bronto returns, it's Nom who does it to him first several times before Bronto will retaliate in kind.

Side: But Mein Fuhrer

I believe you. Nom attacked me first, and now, he is blaming me, for it.

Side: But Mein Fuhrer