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are are not
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 are (1)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Liberals are in denial about the minority shift in politics






Side Score: 2

are not

Side Score: 0
2 points

Actually, this is true. They are. As are also the Right wingers. Because you see what this proves is:

1) There is a tremendous diversity of people in the USA and even within subgroups there is even more diversity. You can find people of color who are Republicans and white religious holy rollers who are Democrats. It's always a blend.

2) The presence of only two dominant parties means nearly everyone has to fit in one or the other, which is partly why point 1 above happens.

3) The fact the conservative right likes to hold up images of these people and say look, see, they're on our side, is solid proof they know they have something to prove (meaning a confession of guilt in it's own sense). Democrats and the left hold caucuses and such for these types of groups and get blamed for pandering to them, meaning Republicans wait to see who shows up and speaks up at their events and then say look, look, we've got a black guy over there!

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