
Debate Info

I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 I agree. (6)
 I disagree. (7)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Life begins at conception.

Yeah, I thought that I would post this one. Science has proven time and again that life begins at conception. For the record, conception is the moment when the fertilization process is complete, bring into existance the zygote, which is a genetically distinct individual from the mother. If given time, this zygote will grow into an infant after he or she is born.

I agree.

Side Score: 7

I disagree.

Side Score: 7
2 points

As pointed out on the other side, life begins before conception. It also begins during it and after it. The thing is, a fetus is not really "human" until the third trimester.

Side: I agree.
Coldfire(998) Disputed
1 point

Whoa whoa wait!

what species is a human foetus?! O.o


Side: I disagree.
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

Homo sapiens... your point being ?

Side: I agree.
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

I disagree that "human" is merely a taxonomical delineation (if that is what you are implying).

The word "human" entails certain other qualities not satisfied by merely having homo sapien genetic information. I don't think that solely having similar genetic material constitutes personhood.

Side: I agree.

Of course it does. So? Life or not, it is a parasite until birth. And on the side I'd argue that rights are impossible without cognitive ability, so if I'm correct in assuming this is a defense of the "pro-life" position, me conceding that life begins at conception does nothing.

Side: I agree.
1 point

There is no scientist on Earth that denies that a foetus is comprised of living cells.

But is that really what the abortion debate is about?

Side: I agree.
1 point

Life begins before conception. Cells aren't any more "alive" after receiving more genetic information. That logic would mean that cells/bacteria that have fallen victim to AIDS or other retroviruses are more "alive" than normal cells. Life for that cell began when it split into daughter cells.


HUMAN life is something else entirely. HUMAN life is not a biological definition. The word human entails many more things and societal ramifications of the concept. Cognitive ability, maternal dependency, sentience, etc. are now all things to consider.

Side: I disagree.
1 point

Zygote life begins at conception.

All life began millions of years ago.

Human life? Well, that has been at debate for quite some time. What defines a human?

What we DO know is that having government answer this very personal morality question is not going to make things better. In fact, some have found many positive effects to result from Roe V. Wade, including a lower in crime rate and a major decrease in harmful back-alley abortions.

My personal beliefs on what is a human life say that it's when the brain has developed enough to create sensory waves and the ability to learn. That is some time in the second trimester. However, whatever my personal beliefs on human life are, there should be no law indoctrinating all women into not being allowed abortions if they find it necessary. I'm even against late-term abortion laws, which puts government into the position of prying into personal medical issues for the sake of moral law.

However you feel about the life of a fetus, abortion laws are not the answer.

Side: I disagree.
1 point

Sperm are alive. They're a single cell organism and can survive, sometimes for days, outside of their host (the epididimys in males).

To avoid hypocricy, pro-lifers must begin collecting and saving all sperm in order to fertilize eggs at some point.

Now the problem is this must go beyond ejaculated sperm, because this potential life is just swirling around inside every dude, well most dudes.

I propose this. We make every adolescent male wear a pouch on their penis until their first discharge, at which point we know they are poducing sperm. Save this in a cooler, iced of course, then procede to cut off their testicles to ensure no more sperm are produced.

After cutting off their testicles we cut out their epididimys and empty this out into the pouch, which is in the cooler with ice.

Now we have all the sperm.

There are going to be trillions upon trillion of them so we have something of a problem, but nothing we can't solve if we just pray really really hard...

Okay I prayed hard and baby jesus cooed the answer in my ear.

We then collect all women immediately after their first bleeding. Of course we will need to set up some kind of task force for this to barge into homes and make sure no family is hiding a bleeding daughter.

It's for the greater good after all. I mean, we're talking potential humans here people!

So we put these bleeding 12-14 year old girls in "camps" where every month we inject them with sperm, timed precisely of course and using only a single sperm. And continue this for their reproductive life except during the actual pregnancy.

"But wouldn't this just make more boys, who will have more sperm, and you will always have a sperm surplus?"

Good point, hold on let me pray really really hard...

Okay, the holy spirit has spoken to me in tongues and I know the answer.

We need to manipulate the actual chromosomes so there are a limited number of Y.

Likely something like 1 XY for every 10,000 or so XX.

This should solve the problem and we can all sleep sound knowing no potential human has been mistakenly aborted.

Sure, life will be a miserable nightmare for just about everyone, but it's what baby Jesus would want, and really that's all that matters.

Side: I disagree.
1 point

To answer this question we need to know: what is life? If someone can define this for me then I can answer the question.

However I do not think that 'life' can be used (for this debate) in the literal sense. Surely living is different to existing.

Side: I disagree.

Sorry, but I don't agree with this. In my personal opinion, life begins when an individual can survive independently from the mother. A fetus may feel pain and fear, but it can't have emotions.

Side: I disagree.