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True Wait...., what...., no!
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 True (2)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Life is simpler once you decide not to live forever

Once you decide that you have no intention of living forever, life becomes much more simple.  You can eat whatever you want and someone would say, "That's not healthy for you!"  And you can say, "Yeah, whatever, I have no intention of living forever."


You can refuse to buy a Prius and someone would say, "But a 100 years from now we won't be able to breathe the air!"  And you can say, "Yeah, whatever, I don't plan to live forever.  In fact, I have no intention of living a 100 years!"


You can decide to go agaisnt Obama Care and someone would say, "But the rich would be forced to pay for your health insurance!"  And you can say, "I would kill anyone that tries to keep me alive."


You can tell people that you are against investing in space exploration and people would say, "But we need to get people off this planet in case a catastrophy happens that could wipe out the human race!" And you could say, "What makes you think the human race is worth saving?  Don't you listen to the news?"


People could vote Obama in for a second term and you could say, "Oh God; take me now!"


But that's just me ;)


Side Score: 2

Wait...., what...., no!

Side Score: 0

This is my new found philosophy. I'm just saying.... : )

Side: True
1 point

its absolutely true .

there is no need to take care of anything if you decide not to live we will be enjoying our life .

'dream as if you will live forever ,live as if you will die today '

Side: True
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