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 MW3 Came out today! (12)

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Srom(12120) pic

MW3 Came out today!

I really want to play it really bad and my parents said that I would get it from a friend but no one is that generous to give it to me

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3 points

Yet another Call of Duty game with very little new substance. A new campaign and a few maps and you've got a game that obsequious fanboys can't resist paying $80 for, simply because it's made by a popular franchise. The story is weak and there is very little improvement from MW2. IMHO, Call of Duty has been going downhill since CoD5 and it will continue to do so. It's lost its appeal and has become purely profit motivated, with no real care for the quality of the game.

Battlefield 3 > CoD8 (Hopefully the last).

Haters gonna hate.

Side: It's Pathetic
3 points

Great, another generic twenty minutes in the future shooter game.

They should've named it, Generic warefare 3: The war is grey.

Side: It's Pathetic
1 point

I want to play it really bad but I can't get it. It looks so good and it makes me want to buy it people at school are talking about it like crazy and its making me feel jealous. :( It seems like I never get COD whenever it comes out

Side: It's Pathetic
1 point

I personally don't care, I've never owned a games console and I don't plan to. But when all my fellow students have made attempts to skip school today just so they could play Modern Warfare 3 makes this kind of thing difficult for me to avoid.

Side: It's Pathetic

I bought it at the midnight launch....and it is AMAZING!!!!!!

I've already hit second prestige :D

Side: It's awesome
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

How did you get to 2nd prestige already when the game came out yesterday? Thats impossible I probably couldn't hit half way. I am getting it for Christmas

Side: It's awesome
1 point

It came out earlier in Australia, where do you live? I've had it for three days now. I took the next 3 weeks off work to play MW3 and Saints Row The Third so I've been playing MW3 nonstop for the past three days.

Side: It's awesome

I haven't played any COD games till now. So its all new to me and I like it.

Side: It's awesome