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Debate Score:53
Total Votes:61
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goodmale(1459) pic

Should zoophilia be legal

zoophilia is a sexual activity that is between a human and a animal with consent.


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 24
1 point

I'm a zoophilia that only want the best for my partner.

I would do anything to please my partner even if it doesn't make me happy.

Side: yes

Can you explain how your "partner" gives you consent? Do you have some way of accurately interpreting what your "partner" wants and desires?

Side: yes
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

Most of the time he brings me this sock in the bed room and I know what sock is what because its one black sock. He learned how to use it because he got the idea of sock = sex because I would always put it on him at the beginning of are partnership because when he mounts me, his claws would hurt but now in are partnership I kinda like the pain his claws do to me when he mounts me.

Side: no
1 point

What would you say if a human loves there other human partner so much that even if there partner rapes them, it wouldn't matter to them because they love the one that raped them so much that they wouldn't do anything about it.

Side: yes
2 points

What would you say if a human loves there other human partner so much that even if there partner rapes them, it wouldn't matter to them because they love the one that raped them so much that they wouldn't do anything about it.

Then it's still rape, non-consentual, and illegal. That is bad. By engaging in rape (non-consentual sex) you are interfering on the rights of another person.

Side: no
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

But in a way it would be also bad if these two would break up it because of jail time or something, then the one who is in deeply love could probably go into deep depression.

Than wouldn't that be bad?

It may be illegal but it can't fully be wrong because honestly it sounds like in the end it doesn't matter to the raped partner.

Side: yes
flewk(1193) Disputed
2 points

I don't understand how a person can rape someone who is consenting. Rape means sex without consent.

Side: no
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

What are you talking about?

If the person doesn't want it but can't say no either because there to in love. That's a form of having a advantage over someone that can't say no to you.

Side: yes
1 point

My dog is happy, because he has blue food, a tempered pedic bed 🏨 that fits to his liking, me which is his bitch, a big yard, big house, lots of trees to pee on, tv I put it on dog tv for him, walks, we go to the beach to swim.

Please tell me what's so wrong with this?

Side: yes

There can be no consent, so it should not be legal.

Side: no
goodmale(1459) Disputed
2 points

There is consent it's called body language. Trust me I have experience with animals and learned more how to understand them than you think. Please understand before you judge.

Side: yes
2 points

I have not judged, but legally there can not be consent. Body signals can be misread, which is part of why they aren't considered legal consent even between humans.

Side: no
2 points

How can you be certain that you are interpreting body language accurately? Do you have training in zoology? Also, even if you could, body language is not considered consent.

Side: no
3 points

Go away troll.

Side: no

An animal cannot consent, so, Zoophilia would not be justified.

Side: no
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

That's false, because its called body language.

My partner brings me a sock to show he wants sex.

Side: yes