
Debate Info

Marvel DC
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Marvel (5)
 DC (2)

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Shemael(381) pic

Marvel vs DC


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 2
2 points

I prefer Marvel mainly because the films are a lot better. They put small amounts of comedy in with the action I find DC a bit serious and the only DC super hero I really like is superman, there films aren't that great either I find I get bored half way through and either turn it off or fall asleep watching it (only exception being Superman.)

Side: Marvel
2 points

While D.C. is pretty good and has their "justice League" I prefer Marvel, The Incredible Hulk is actually inspired by the more commonly known version of Frankenstein, and the tale of Jekyll and Hyde. Though I am more familiar with new generation rather than old generation, I find the marvel heroes interesting. The Incredible Hulk is an interesting character as he is supposed to be a vile, threatening and intimidating monster, yet a hero. Ironman, one of my favorite heroes, is a hero inspired by technologic science itself, a man whom is bathed in riches and success, owns his own company, has all the money he would ever need, decided to build a technologic suit in order to defend earth. I also like the story of him going from selling powerful weapons across the world breeding war, to trying to protect people from war. Captain America, is quite interesting as he is an... "Merican!!!" as a hero, and the face of the avengers, and also a super soldier. One whom is intruiged by norse mythology, I love how they made Thor a superhero, and seemed to have kept to Norse Mythology really well. The X-men is interesting, a school for mutants. All in all, Marvel heroes don't seem to try to hard to be superheroes, a lot of their heroes, costumes and names are explained and aren't just there for the sake of being a superhero. Ironman's suit is an invention of a man gifted in creating military technology, and was titled Ironman by people in the city. Captain America's suit was for show back in WWII I believe, and later became his uniform, his title was also for show but that is how people refer to him. Thor is dresses as all who dress in his world, and the Hulk is essentially a Giant Green monster (originally Grey). What really caught my attention with Marvel is before the Avengers they were coming out with all sorts of movies at once, which I later caught on was being connected for an Avengers movie. I found that wonderful of a surprise, though I saw it coming. All in all I prefer Marvel, it appeals to me more, in a certain aspect it seems more down to earth then all these superpowered people trying to follow the title superhero instead these super powered beings trying to be heroes and then being dubbed superheroes. With the exception of a few, arguably the Fantastic 4 and Spiderman.

Side: Marvel
2 points

i only have to go with marvel because they are making superheros that todays generations are grwoing up watching while our praents watched dc they do have alot more superheros but marvel comes up with new ones instead of remaking the old ones

Side: Marvel
1 point

All the great and famous and now heard of superheroes are created by Marvel. Spiderman, Thor, Hulk and Iron man are some heroes. Besides that, Marvel heroes look super cool

Side: Marvel
1 point

I like how at the end of every single Marvel movie, there is a short part in between the credits which keeps you in suspense for the next one.

Side: Marvel
1 point

DC rocks. Dark Knight rises was a very good movie and I especially liked Bane. Who would think like a villain like that. I like how the movie brings a sudden twist at the end. That was the best DC movie. Superman and The Flash are some other heroes created by DC.

Side: DC

I go with DC because of Superman. Superman is my favorite super hero.

Side: DC