
Debate Info

Marvel DC
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 Marvel (6)
 DC (5)

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SecretSoup(13) pic

Marvel vs DC

This is the debate between Marvel's badass heroes like Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and DC's all-star good guys like Batman, Superman and Green Lantern. Who is superior? 


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 6
1 point

I prefer Marvel as a lot of their characters are darker and more realistic (if such a thing can be said about superhero's and comic book characters), most of the time DC are too clean cut for me although when their characters go dark they are awesome like Batman in the Dark Knight and the Killing Joke

Side: Marvel


Side: Marvel

I bought a hulk shirt and it was of him stepping on a cracked earth. It is quite epic. The shirt was like $22 though.

Side: Marvel

Hulk is amazing.

Side: Marvel
1 point

I like Marvel better because they are a lot cooler powers and if you have the Avengers vs Justice League. The Avengers would win.

Side: Marvel
KIJO(14) Disputed
1 point

How would the win exactly? I mean i like the Marvel franchises way more than the Dc ones, But the Avengers is mainly made of mostly humans where as the justice league has three genuinely gods... I am aware that the Avengers has Thor and the Hulk, but Thor isn't that strong, in comparison to Superman... I know that Superman's weakness is magic, but it is a weakness, not a one shot kill move on him... As for hulk, yes his powers are limitless, but only physical. What will the Hulk do when Martial Manhunter uses his telekinesis and his telepathy? The Hulk can take most any physical damage, true, but what if instead of attacking him in a close combat fight then fly him to the sun? I am not even sure if that would kill him, but I am sure that he is quite useless there, also lets not mention that Superman would gladly fight the Hulk on the sun(the sun being the right kind for superman). Also in speed they kind of wreck the Avengers... Depending on where you look then the flash is supposedly faster than Superman is(not in flight obviously, but just body moments), being able to run ten times the speed of light... The fight is over before the Avengers even get to blink...

Side: DC
0 points

I prefer marvel because the heroes have awesome abilities. I mean, Thor is an f ing god!

Side: Marvel

Other than Hulk, all other marvel characters are inferior to the DC ones.

Side: DC
1 point

Even Hulk is inferior in so many ways... He is only physically strong, attack his mind and he is game over, but correct me if i am wrong...

Side: DC

They have the Teen Titans. I loved that show. I also loved the comic. Robin is such a stud.

Side: DC

Yeah, DC work together so damn well whereas Marvel are amazing solo.

The problem with marvel characters is that, other than Hulk, most of them are just in it for themselves.

Side: DC