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 "Men only look at images; and women spend too much time reading the information!" (11)

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CStrogach(19) pic

"Men only look at images; and women spend too much time reading the information!"

For my fourth year course "ICM and Me" at the Hogeschool Utrecht I want to see if there are differences in opinions on how men and women perceive images and information on products and services.

We all know those prototypes where men rather look at images than spending too much time reading, while women rather get as much information as possible.

However, there has been research done which claims that men indeed dont want to spend too much time on getting information and prefer images/short descriptions while women appreciate more information on products and services.*

What is your opinion about it?

Do you think this statement is true, that men want information as quick/simple as possible? Or do you think this is outdated and old fashioned? For both men and women? Furthermore, you think it depends on the product/service or is it gender-related?


Thank you very much for participating!



*(L. G.Schiffman, L. L. Kanuk, 2010, 10th edition, Consumer Behavior)

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1 point

I think that partly this is true because i think in general women do read more than men because they often have a better sense of language. However this doesn't count for everyone of course, i think it also really depends on the topic of the text and the purpose of reading it. I think women read more for leisure than men but men can read a lot as well when it really helps them with something. In addition, I think women very much enjoy looking at pictures as well because all women's magazines are full of pictures.

I agree with Meike that it really depends on the topic. Females will read female oriented articles and only scan (check images) of male oriented articles and vice-versa. E.g. man will read the sport article while females only check the pictures of the men.

1 point

Partly. It depends on the product and the person itself. I don't like long text which explain everything in the details. I quickly scan what I need and make my decision based on that.

However, I do agree that for men it's more important to see the picture of the product or service than text.

Also, the quality of the image (quality, position, relatedness, naturalism) affects the perception.

1 point

I have to agree with you here that it depends heavily on the product and person. I think the statement is too strong, for some products an (explanatory) picture says more than a 1000 words and in other cases you cannot read too much. The point is that there should not be too much information, the amount of information has to fit the function of the product. If that is the case, you actually cannot spend too much time reading the information, man or woman.

1 point

I support this argument for the most part.

Except that I think that for men as well as for women it totally depends on the topic/product if they'd think a image is more important or that more in-depth information is wanted.

Don't think that's gender related.

1 point

It's difficult to state such a thing as it's different for every individual and not to be generalized per gender. From my own perspective, and experience, I can say that I for one like to have elaborate information prior to purchase. For me the visual aspect of the advertisement is merely an eye-catcher and does not lead to a decision.

CStrogach(19) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for your response!

So you first get attracted by an image rather than text? Or does this also count for signal words?

1 point

Well I guess a lot of people know that women are from Venus and men are from Mars, right? I have never read the book myself, yet men and women look at things in very different ways (obviously, otherwise it would be boring). Women want as many details as possible, otherwise misinterpreting the message easily occurs. Men on the other hand, tend not to read between the lines and therefore find it easier to look at images and interpreting them as they are.

I like to believe that women are literature, (with many points of view to a statement, different plot lines, etc) while men are like math (where 2+2=4 in all cases). Yet it also depends on the kind of advertisement (it may appeal to women or men specifically). This however does not mean that women don't like simple ads or images that speak for themselves (think about Durex, they have sometimes images that are intended to both genders, they are creative and smart). On the other hand, women may go and check out the product label in supermarket, while men may be convinced right from the start by it and purchase it quicker.

CStrogach(19) Clarified
1 point

Thank you very much for your response!

So do you think then that this is how "men and women are born with"? That like you said women are literature and men math from nature?

Or is it more that we are thaught to be and behave/react like that?

1 point

I agree with most what has been said, especially that it will depend on the product. However, I think that it is more important what you want to use the product for, whether you are already familiar with a similar product and whether its use is self-explanatory or not, rather than it being oriented towards men or women. I could imagine that women might want to read more information on a product they are unfamiliar with. Of course, as everyone said, it depends on the person.

EricSeric(2) Disputed
1 point

I actually think it is true the statement that men want quick information while women spend more time reading everything through. Yes of course it depends on the topic but I believe that men dont spend too much time on reading. They rather like things quick and simple than women.

CStrogach(19) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for your response!

Why do you think is that? Is it like natural behavior?