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 Mitt Romney, is a Judas Iscariot, mother fucker! (12)

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YIsRisenLord(1202) pic

Mitt Romney, is a Judas Iscariot, mother fucker!
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Mitt Romney, is a Judas Iscariot, mother fucker!

He stood alone against pressure from everybody else in his entire party, and voted to impeach Trump based on the evidence presented. He is literally the only person in the Republican Party I respect.

You on the other hand are a hateful person who uses rape as a weapon.

1 point

If he wants to be a backstabbing peice of shit, he needs to leave the Party, and join the Democrats..........................................

1 point

If he wants to be a backstabbing peice of shit, he needs to leave the Party, and join the Democrats

Yes, you definitely sound like a centrist. You're insane Dana.

1 point

Mitt Romney can kiss our patriot asses, on his way into the Democratic Party. He is a backstabbing, majnoun.

1 point

Mitt Romney can kiss our patriot asses

Patriots don't interfere with democracy like Trump did, so you can take your fat anti-American ass to Mexico if you don't like it.