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 Most Average guys have no chance of Getting their (sexy)Dreamgirl? (14)

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dobelSoboel3(187) pic

Most Average guys have no chance of Getting their (sexy)Dreamgirl?

We all know guys like sex and guys like sexy girls. But us average guys rarely end up with those sexy dreamgirls.

My Cousin also salivated over hot sexy girls and he ended up with a below average girl that convinced him. He is now semi-happy and has a kid but it's just cause he realized he couldn't get out of the situation anymore. He still wants hot girls but now is forced to just wish(secretly)

I'm not a person of many girlfriedns. I've yet to have one but i had a female friend and she was average. I've tried talking to girls and alll the time, the ones I have successful conversations with are always average or below average girls. I've tried talking to hot girls and they are never interested in me. never. and I was friendly and trying my best when i talked to them.

So yea, it's not only me. Most average guys i see don't have hot girls. They're either end up alone or with an average or below average girl(NOT BY CHOICE) because they just settle.



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3 points

An average person is going to attract other average people and an extraordinary person is going to attract other extraordinary people. If someone has extraordinary options available to them, they have little incentive to pick an average option. I am not talking about this value as strictly applying to appearance, either. If someone has an average appearance but extraordinary charm, intelligence, humor, confidence, or wealth, they can command the attention of a wider audience.

I'm a little worried by the tone of your post, which seems to imply that every man deserves a certain caliber of woman, even if he hasn't done anything to effectively attract her. You also imply that if a below average girl gets an average guy, then she must have trapped or otherwise coerced him into being with her...I sure hope you can tell me I'm wrong about this because it's all super sexist.

Side: Obviously
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Your claim doesn't hold water. Einstein was married to a gal that he went to college with and even took physics, (his equal). He divorced her and married a gal that was uneducated and just was a stay at home kind.

The say opposites attract and only the shallow want what looks like the perfect couple. The courts are filled with marriages that look perfect.

Side: Obviously
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

You'll notice I listed just a few of the many other ways someone can be extraordinary besides intelligence.

If Einstein loved her, then it's safe to say that in his eyes there was something extraordinary about her. Do you really think people are attracted to someone they view as completely unremarkable in every way?

Side: Obviously
3 points

If you really love a woman, your brain will make her body type the sexiest thing you've ever seen for the rest of your life. I'm not kidding. You will be a senior citizen, and a 20 year old super model will not turn you on as nearly as much as your wife whom is the same age as you.

This is why monogamy is programmed into us via evolution.

Side: Love Supercedes Appearance
2 points

It seems like you don't have much confidence. When you try to meet a girl, you can't just be friendly. Most "average" guys think they can't get their "dream girl", and they won't be able to because they have doubt. The thing that separates "extraordinary" and "average" guys is that level of confidence.

Extraordinary guys usually have a certain strength in them, whether its their charisma, wealth, or looks; this causes them to have a higher level of confidence because they believe that they can get the girl they want. Average guys, like yourself, have this doubt that causes a lower level of confidence, and it shows during social interaction.

My advice is to build up your confidence, and be genuine about yourself; usually these pretty girls are smart and have adjusted to be paranoid. They get tons of fake guys that only want them for sex. Show that you really want to be with them, and not use them.

Side: Just Need Confidence
1 point

Most average guys have a chance of getting some girl. And if they lose that chance, then they have no chance of getting any girl. Most average guys or hot guys only have to do with sex, so if they do not take chances of having it with any girl then they might as well drop their chances of sex at all. What I mean is that be concerned with what you ultimately want. SEX... And not how hot or average a girl is.

If you can't keep an average girl happy, and it is still hot girl you need, stop screwing with the average girl and keep dreaming of a hot girl cuz you as that sort of a person do not deserve either of them.

I'd suggest that to your friend...

Side: Just Need Confidence

Not true. Its about personality with women. They can over look the majority of your flaws if you have a great personality. But building such a personality takes practice. You have to force yourself to be very social and talk to new women everyday and learn from past mistakes. Thats why you sometimes see a really fat or fugly person with a very attractive woman. When you ask these women why they are with that man. There answers are usually he can always make me laugh or he is so confident.

Side: Just Need Confidence
1 point

I think average guys can get above average girls. Just with a little work.

But honestly, who cares?

Sure, it's great for a few dates and fun nights to say you got that, but in the end what does it matter? They're just looks and if you want a real relationship then they aren't important.

Side: Just Need Confidence