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Debate Score:5
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 My CD Award acceptance speech. (5)

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Nummi2(32) pic

My CD Award acceptance speech.

As winner of the Best Leader of CD Ever, I would like to thank Chaffy the glorious President we had who inspired me to become Emperor of CD. I would also like to thank Justin Beiber who persuaded me to become gay. There is also Joecavalry, Prayerfails, Hellno2012, Saurbaby08, chuckhades, Micmacmoc, Axmeister, Ricedaragh, Iamdavidh, ThePyg, Apollo, Terminator and others who all voted for me.

Thanks guys it really means a lot.

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wow. congratulations! great job on winning. wish i won something.

oh wait.. I DID!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Cynical(1943) Disputed
1 point

Nummi2 didn't win anything. It's a troll account.

well then, oh. heh heh.......

silly me!

^_^ gullible Stargirl!

1 point

Please don't associate my name with yours. I'm sure many of the other members you listed have the same sentiment.

1 point

I would also like to thank Justin Beiber who persuaded me to become gay.

Since when did Justin Beiber ever persuaded you to become gay?