
Debate Info

truth Nom sucks
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 truth (2)
 Nom sucks (2)

Debate Creator

Aur0ra(158) pic

Nom's nose is weak. I could easily break it


Side Score: 2

Nom sucks

Side Score: 4

I could easily break it

You don't look like you have seen much violence buddy. You look like you have been living somewhere without light for the last three decades. Maybe a cave or someone's basement.

Side: truth
Aur0ra(158) Disputed
2 points

If I ever see you in person, I will make you see the light. The light will be coming from the stars spinning around your head.

Side: Nom sucks
1 point

If I ever see you in person, I will make you see the light. The light will be coming from the stars spinning around your head.

Why would anybody take somebody seriously who makes threats over the internet?

I have no fear of you. You're a coward who hides behind a keyboard being mean to people. Yet when it is other people being mean to you it causes you to lose your marbles. Where I am from we have a saying: If you can't take it, don't give it.

Side: truth
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