
Debate Info

Yes, know your limits No, I can do it all
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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 Yes, know your limits (2)
 No, I can do it all (6)

Debate Creator

Bandoula(29) pic

Not all obstacles are to be overcome. Some obstacles are just limits.

I think we should be aware that ourpotentials are limited, andbe smart, and not take each obstacle as achallenge without thinking it througH first

Yes, know your limits

Side Score: 2

No, I can do it all

Side Score: 12
1 point

Well, if one is under the impression they can jump out of a plane without a parachute, or say deep sea dive without scuba gear, it is likely time to reevaluate potential.

On the other hand the world is full of stories of individuals overcoming odds, so minus immanent death you shouldn't underestimate yourself.

Side: Yes, know your limits
3 points

"Well, if one is under the impression they can jump out of a plane without a parachute"

In 1942 a Soviet pilot named I. M. Chisov plunged 22,000 feet without a parachute after bailing out of his Ilyushin 4 bomber. German pilots had attacked Chisov’s plane, and he didn’t open his chute because he was afraid it would allow his attackers to find him. He landed on a snow-covered slope and rolled downhill, badly hurt and unconscious—but alive. (how-to-fall-out-of-a-plane-and-live)

The secret is too land on snow :)

Side: No, I can do it all
2 points

That's some 007 shit. I love those stories. Upvote :p

Less exciting, a middle age women jumped out of one with her husband for fun and didn't open the chute on accident, and landed on pavement and lived. Lol, source: 1000 ways to die

Still, wouldn't recommend it :p

Side: No, I can do it all

Some challenges are dangerous and should not be tackled. Some obstacles have to remain because they are impossible to achieve.

Side: Yes, know your limits

Where waste was an obstacle, we invented shit pits(later to evolve into that which we know as toilets). Where land was an obstacle, we started to fly. Where we started looking beyond the sky, we went to space. When we decided we were made out of something more spectacular then clay or dirt, we mapped the genome. Obstacles are only temporary, some less so then others.

Side: No, I can do it all
2 points

The only limit to what any man can achieve is his will to achieve it.

Side: No, I can do it all