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 "Nothing Exists Except Through Human Consciousness" (4)

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Liber(1712) pic

"Nothing Exists Except Through Human Consciousness"

Just a little quote I picked up from 1984. I tend to agree with it, being a solipsist 'n' all.

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2 points

The root of this problem is that we know of nothing except our own human consciousness. Even others' consciousness is 100% foreign to us, and we have no real proof of it. In some way, the irrationality we perceive in others, the differences in how our minds work, even implies that others do not have the same consciousness as we do; differences in perception are huge, and we are always right to ourselves, are we not?.

Therefore, all we know, think, believe, is known through our consciousness. Through feelings of community, fraternity, and similarity, we assume that all others have this consciousness, and therefore, it is logical to believe, in some ways, that nothing can be known, or exist, except through human consciousness.

1 point

How about animal consciousness, as Orangutans can recognize themselves in the mirror. And also with the tremendous possibility of life on other planets, aliens, with quite possibly, more superior minds could perceive reality through consciousness.

Conro(767) Clarified
2 points

I am not sure if he is implying that existence is conditional upon whether or not humanity as a whole recognizes something exists, or whether one is only capable of existing through experiencing their own consciousness (Kant's idea about how our existence is based on our ability to perceive a reality, kind of). In other words, whether or not aliens are conscious is irrelevant to the argument, as is orangutans, as is you believing you exist (because for all I know, life could be a figment of my imagination). At least that's how I interpreted the debate.

But then, coincidentally, I was just talking about this at dinner tonight. The general consensus was that this is unprovable and since it is unprovable, we might as well act as if it isn't true (because it adds another layer of complexity rather than just assuming there is an existence outside ourselves) by Occam's Razor. That's the thing with all these philosophical debates. They are usually unprovable, and are therefore essentially worthless (if we go by scientific standards of logic and truths).

P.S. this thing is telling me "unprovable" isn't a word, but because my brain is dumb right now I can't think of the word for it, and unprovable is pretty clear on what I mean.

1 point

I want your dinner guests!


'The quotation aroused in me feelings of my latent solipsism; I wanted to see what others thought.


Oh, and "unprovable" is a word. I've had many a word underlined throughout my internet experiences, oftener a word like "occultist", though, than lesser known words like "betwixt" or "eldritch".