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Debate Score:7
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Bohemian(3858) pic

Obama Job Approval

The most recent Gallup poll puts Obama's Job approval at 46.7%


How do you think he is doing?

Better than average

Side Score: 6

Worse than average

Side Score: 1
1 point

This seems to be about statistics, why would you ask an opinion?

Side: Better than average
1 point

Has the number of employed gone up or down?

Has the value of the dollar gone up or down?

Has the value of U.S. Bonds gone up or down?

Has our standing among our allies gone up or down?

Is our nation closer to bankruptcy or not?

Is Obama in his eyes failing or succeeding?

It's not difficult to tell which direction he is taking us.

The only question to me is his motives, even more so when every historical document on his life is kept secret.

Obama’s Hidden Records - Look it up

Side: Worse than average
1 point

I would have to say that Obama probably approves of the job he's doing at a much higher rate than that. Of course he would be the only one.

Side: Better than average

It is now 2015 and I think the President is doing a good job.

Side: Better than average
0 points

The fact that his approval numbers are still that high just proves what we already found out during the '08 election... there are a lot of freaking idiots out there who listen to the MSM way too much instead of getting the facts for themselves and a lot of idiots who think that Barry's speaking skills make him a good POTUS. He sucks and his severe lack of experience is showing.... the national debt is a disgrace and a serious danger to the country and anyone that doesn't think so is either brain dead or they really do believe Obama is the Messiah.

Side: Worse than average
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

I think you may be exaggerating a little bit here. The the current economic crisis was caused by the Housing bubble collapse driven by subprime loans. This is largely credited to the repeal of the Glass-steagall act, and an effort by the Securities and Exchange Commission to inflate the amount of leverage that investment banks are allowed to have. The economic crisis had nothing to do with him, and was already at full tilt before he took office. I knew the stimulus under Bush wasn't going to work as I knew the stimulus under Obama wasn't going to work. He seems to have neglected some of his promises about the Iraq war, although most of his critics didn't really agree with those to begin with. He seems to have reversed his position on Guantanamo Bay.

Now, let's look at the positives. Unemployment rates have dropped from 9.7% to 9.4%. We have consistently seen job growth in the private sector over the past 12 months. We have seen unprecedented tax cuts for the lower and middle income brackets. He has consistently shown himself to negotiate and compromise even with those that disagree with his policies.

Let's look at two of his more controversial acts. Health Care reform, and the bailout.

On the topic of compromise, the Health-care reform is an excellent example. Many people will decry the pitfalls of ObamaCare and "socialized medicine", but when you start talking about the public Option people are left with a huge question mark on their face. Few people actually understand what the Public Option actually means. As was originally proposed Obama wanted a Universal healthcare similar to what Canadians have (a single payer system), although he received vehement opposition for this, after much deliberation and a lot of groundwork he had changed his healthcare reform dramatically to appease congressional republicans. His compromise; The public option. Basically what this is, it's health insurance plan run by the government, but ONLY those who wanted it would have to pay for it. If you don't want the public option you don't have to pay for it, thus why it is called public OPTION. Because the public option is not profit-motivated it is able to operate much more cheaply than private insurers. The idea is that Private insurers would have to compete with the public option which would cause a sharp decrease in insurance premiums.

Now let's look at the Bailout. The bailout was essentially a lose-lose situation. If we bailout the collapsing auto industry, we are rewarding bad business practices and adding a few more billion to the national deficit. If we let an entire industry go under, 16 million people will lose their jobs and we will see an economic crisis not experienced since the great depression. There is no easy solution to this. Nobody wanted to order a bailout, but if we didn't the consequences were dire. Had we have let these industries go under, unemployment would have jumped to 16.5% and the deficit would have risen anyway.

Side: Better than average