
Debate Info

Oh God... Barry has! I Hate the US more than ever
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 Oh God... Barry has! (1)
 I Hate the US more than ever (9)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Obama Said He Would Improve the US's Image in the World...

Oh God... Barry has!

Side Score: 1

I Hate the US more than ever

Side Score: 10
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He hasn't improved the United States image in the eyes of the world if anything he has made it worse. The United States Government is never diplomatic, he only uses violence and the threat of violence.

Side: I Hate the US more than ever
1 point

Brits answer here:

Side: I Hate the US more than ever
1 point


Yeah, he has changed the image of the US...

Drones, Healthcare, Employment, Security Leaks, e.t.c.

I can't be too bothered to form a proper argument, but really, you shouldn't ask me for supporting evidence for all this. I mean, the USA is pretty hard to miss...

Side: I Hate the US more than ever
0 points

He's practically a socialist... you should love him.

Side: I Hate the US more than ever
1 point

I don't hate Obama, i hate society's dependent issues. Everyone assumes they deserve EBT cards, worker's comp, etc. It's disgusting how we wish everything to be given to us. It's not his fault u.s is shit, it's ours. Including him, avoiding failure is a futile battle. We act like Utopian society is possible, always wanting more and more. In my own opinion, those who think each president fails us, should shut up. If you have a problem in life, fix it. If you want something in life get it. So if you don't like the way things are ran, become president. We need to stop complaining, and take action.The fact the american people fear the government, is another reason to hate united states. The government should fear the people not the other way around. Sadly all we do is contemplate the issue.

Side: I Hate the US more than ever
0 points

I don't disagree with most of that but to say the US is shit... is a little ridiculous. Would you rather live in Somalia? Malawi? Yemen? Burundi? Niger? Ethiopia? Afghanistan? Zambia?

Side: I Hate the US more than ever
Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

I just want to live somewhere in which the people are in control, not the other way around.

Side: Oh God... Barry has!
1 point

I knew he was lying and that's why I voted for McCain. Never trust a black man...don't distrust him because he's black, but because he's untrustworthy.

Side: I Hate the US more than ever