
Debate Info

I Agree With Them I Disagree With Them
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 I Agree With Them (1)
 I Disagree With Them (2)

Debate Creator

PhxDemocrat(13095) pic

One Million Moms Doesn't Like The Muppets

One Million Moms has slammed the ABC reboot of "The Muppets" saying that this reboot has a perverted nature.

Question:  Do you agree with One Million Moms?

I Agree With Them

Side Score: 2

I Disagree With Them

Side Score: 2
2 points

Down with The Muppets, Heil Sesame Street!

Side: I Agree With Them

This tv show has been billed as being for adults. It is not the fault of the tv show if mom's don't do their research.

Side note: in America, due to the first amendment, makers of art can and will do what they want.

Side: I Disagree With Them

The Muppets are for kids, not for me...................................................

Side: I Disagree With Them