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 Osama Bin Laden Death Conspiracie (6)

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djdave98(5) pic

Osama Bin Laden Death Conspiracie

Debate whether Osama Bin Laden is still alive & working for the government or whether he is really dead

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3 points

I swear he works at the Quickie Mart down the street.

I heard he's alive and working for the government, getting paid billions to help the CIA find bin Laden.

1 point

With a clean shave he could be anybody! Well maybe not a lady without some surgery.

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

Everyone knows the beard IS Bin Laden! Were Bin Laden clean shaven, it'd be the same thing as his death!

Hes dead and Seal team 6 went to Taco Bell. End of story!

1 point

He killed my ex-wife's mother and impersonated her for 5 years :D

1 point

There's no reason to believe he is alive. I heard once before, but never investigated further, that before he became 'the' Osama Bin Laden, he was an American paid soldier or CIA operative.