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True False
Debate Score:102
Total Votes:104
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 True (48)
 False (37)

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supremepizza(1425) pic

Pedophile's aren't bad.

Okay so yeah, they are bad, that title was just for shock value and so you would click on it ;)

Although I was doing some thinking and I've decided that maybe pedophile's get too harsh a time. If you think about it, they can't help it, just like homosexuals can't help it. You don't just suddenly wake up one day and decide "hey, you know what? I think that today I'm gonna become a pedo and be hated by the majority of the world! Yeah, awesome!" No. Nobody does this. I think a common misconception is that pedophiles rape children, this is not true, a child molester does this. It isn't a choice to be attracted to children, it is one to go out and molest them. Just like it isn't a choice for me to be attracted to women, but it is a choice for me to have sex with them.

Anyway, that's just my view; do you think pedophiles should be branded upon so harshly? I'm not saying I'm pro-pedo by any means, I'm just trying to look at the world with a much broader view than most people...which subsequently gets me in a lot of trouble sometimes ;)


Side Score: 53


Side Score: 49
2 points

The Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder (DSM) classifies pedophilia as including the following: [A] Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger); [B] The person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. [C] The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

Strictly speaking, the classification of pedophilia as a paraphilia does not require that an individual actually have been sexually involved with a prepubescent child; the baseline requirement is that thoughts/fantasies/desires exist and that they cause an individual distress. There are, then, pedophiles who do not actually harm anyone but who suffer from unwanted desires and thoughts which they cannot prevent. There are pedophiles who seek and receive help. To stigmatize and discriminate against those who have done no actual wrong is both irrational and unfair, particularly in a society where seeking such help is quite difficult (mental health services in general are notoriously inaccessible and social stigma does not help).

This is not to say that many pedophiles do not cause harm either directly through personal sexual acitivity or indirectly through the viewing of child pornography; rather, it is to say that there are exceptions and that we ought to reconsider our immediate assumptions. I think it is worth noting that the knee-jerk reaction of most of society towards someone diagnosed with pedophilia re-enforces the notion that such a person is inherently bad and cannot be redeemed, which deminishes the likelihood that someone will seek help and treatment.

* As a footnote: Homosexuality and pedophilia are not connected, and the inclusion/reference to homosexuality in the context of this debate is highly offensive, insensitive, and ignorant.

Side: True
1 point

Thank you for standing up for gays. :)

Side: True
1 point

Paodophillia is a practically a fetish. And as the person forming this argument said, they cannot help it. No one can help what they are sexually attracted to. You can't make yourself gay. Yes, child molestation from paedophillia is bad. But any paedophile is classed as bad. Even if they are inactive. I am sure there are some paedophiles that are ashamed of it because of the view otherrs have on them. This kinda puts them in a different light. On some porns sights theres child porn, so that does display it as just a fetist. Surely looking at pictures isn't too bad if no one is harmed? Its too hyped. In many cases its shows as worse than adult rape. Surely looking at a few pictures of naked kids isnt as morally wrong as that?

Side: True
zombee(1026) Disputed
3 points

Even if child porn was not specifically and singularly made to meet a demand, if the footage is out there, then there is a victim somewhere who knows their exploitation and suffering is available to be consumed by strangers.

Side: False
verracruz5(4) Disputed
1 point

Surely for it to legally be on the internet it needs permission? I read in the news that alot of the "kids" in child porn are older, just look younder. Someone that looks like a 10 year old could be a very young looking 16 year old. I agree that if it includes a victim who has been raped, used or misinformed it is wrong. But if it was REAL child porn, wouldnt the police have arrested them and taken it off? Its not uncommon.

Side: True to an extent
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
2 points

Surely looking at pictures isn't too bad if no one is harmed? Its too hyped. In many cases its shows as worse than adult rape.

Well, I'm not sure what situation one would have a harmless naked picture of a child older than an infant... maybe a very naive parent who posts pictures of a toddler who hates wearing clothes? Guess kids go through that stage.

Otherwise it's pretty nefarious. There is a thin line between what's harmful and what is not I suppose, but one of these things are happening;

1. You have very stupid parents who are entirely too naive to be allowed to have children.

2. You have abusive parents who are knowingly using their child as a sex thing, even if it is only pictures at this point, not a good start and not a situation a child should be put in.

3. These children are being photographed against the parents will and unkown to them, either a kidnap situation or someone they know like a babysitter or neighbor.

I do not see which of these situations is not harmful. Can you explain?

Side: False
2 points

Surely looking at pictures isn't too bad if no one is harmed? ... Surely looking at a few pictures of naked kids isnt as morally wrong as that?

I am appalled by your immorality and unethical thoughts. For me to maintain such a view, I would have to first rebut your view that pedophilia is not morally wrong. The crux of your statement or rhetorical question is whether it is morally justified to exploit young children. I submit that it is not. In order to support this, I will turn to one of the greatest German philosophers, Immanuel Kant.

In Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant famously penned his Categorical Imperative. There are two main formulations of the Categorical Imperative. The first formulation states, "Act only according to the maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." The second formulation states, "Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end." To make my case, I shall refer to both formulations of Kant's Categorical Imperative.

According to the first formulation, one should only act in a way such that everyone else in the world is morally justified to act in the same way (i.e. the law of universality). If you think that pedophilia is not morally wrong, then you must maintain that anyone can and should be allowed to exploit your children for their own sexual pleasure. That means that if your children fall prey to a pedophile, you must see that such an act is allowable and justified according to your own morals. The question, however, is that will you allow your own children, if you have any, to be sexually exploited and do nothing about it and allow it to occur? If you will not, then your own view on pedophilia, logically speaking, does not hold.

Next, the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative. It states that one should not use others or oneself as a means to an end. Forget whether you might or might not allow your own children to be exploited, the fact that any children is sexually exploited is inherently, morally wrong. Let's look at the term "sexually exploit". In this case, the "end" is sexual pleasure. Thus, the "means" that pedophiles used to achieve that "end" is the exploitation of children. However, Kant's second formulation states clearly that humans should not be treated as a means to an end. Therefore, pedophilia is morally wrong.

If you still want to maintain your view, you have to tear down both of my above arguments and then make cases of your own for pedophilia being morally allowable. If you can't do that, then it seems to me that my view of pedophilia being morally wrong is the more plausible view.

Side: False
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
2 points

All, of course, assumptions that morals are... real.

But let's use what you've said. Children, I guess to you, can not consent?

Now, I'm curious, to you... in order to be a pedophile you MUST sexually exploit children? Or is that children can only engage in sex if they're being exploited?

If I had kids and they did not allow sexual advances from a pedophile, yet I, for some reason, was okay with the idea of pedophilia, am I supposed to FORCE my children to have sex with that pedophile?

What if I felt that sex with children was okay if they consented?

Now, of course, I do not view things in this way, exactly. You just seem to make it so that I'd have to argue at that angle. But it's alright, because we can at least do away with certain assumptions (like, is pedophilia ONLY exploitative?)

As well, what if I personally do not like the act of pedophilia but still didn't see it, exactly, as "bad" (so long as consent was involved)? Or maybe, what if I didn't view things as either right or wrong because I felt that nothing could really be argued that way without forming an assumption or basis to make that argument in the first place?

Of course, I do not believe in Morality or right or wrong. I find it all to just be a subjective way for society to label things. We can be against something, sure. Hell, we can do all we can to prevent those things.... but to call a pedophile "bad" is really just jumping the gun. Hell, I have trouble at times just calling an action bad, let alone calling an entire person "bad". Someone who finds kids sexually attractive, to me, is merely deviating from the sexual norm. If society finds what they're doing as morally wrong, they should be trying to help this person, not degrade them and make them suffer for their desires.

Of course, my love for philosophy sometimes gets crossed with my love for psychology, but I guess that's why I tend to have sympathy for those kinds of devils.

Side: True
1 point

Surely looking at a few pictures of naked kids isnt as morally wrong as that?

You're fucking kidding, right? Why have you not been down-voted?

Side: False
1 point

Sexual desire is something that can not be helped. Years of therapy could POSSIBLY alter someone's sexuality, but it is very unlikely.

I suppose the best example is to ask how you would view yourself if you were raised in a culture where sex with whatever types of people or creatures was considered disgusting and a criminal act (if you like having sex with women, imagine a world where shit like that is illegal and viewed as disgusting). Orwell, in 1984, showed us a world where sex was a disgusting act in general (and even for the purpose of making a baby, it should still be despised).

Pedophiles are currently in that state. We did not ALWAYS live in a time where sex with the young was looked down upon. The Greeks commonly experimented with bisexuality and boy-loving.

To me, looking down on pedophilia is a cultural thing, nothing more. Our morals have caused us to see them as disgusting and something that must be prevented.

Do I believe that pedophilia should be legalized? Not exactly. It's possible to set up a system where the pedophiles aren't chastised for acting out on their desires, but even I don't know how that would work (although, I hope to do research in that field, since I do have much fascination with human sexuality).

As for child pornography, I do not believe that the viewing of it should be illegal. The making of it, sure, but the viewing harms no one. It is media, just like snuff films.

Supporting Evidence: Barack Obama is a Pedophile (
Side: True
1 point

I disagree with you purely on literary grounds. For my view on this topic, see the rebuttal I have written above.

Orwell, in 1984, showed us a world where sex was a disgusting act in general (and even for the purpose of making a baby, it should still be despised).

This is a gross misrepresentation of what Orwell wrote. In the novel 1984, sex was discouraged purely because the Party was afraid that the love and attraction that males and females have for each other would either diminish or replace the love they (were supposed to) have for Big Brother. Pro-creation was described as (I can't remember the exact quote) "service to the Party". Sex was despised for the intimacy that it will cause males and females to have for each other, but not because of pro-creation.

And therefore, comparing pedophiles in society to the people in Orwell's fictional world in 1984 is a false comparison. Pedophiles are not hated for their love and attraction towards children. According to the OED, pedophilia refers to "An abnormal, esp. sexual, love of young children." The crux of the definition lies in two words - "abnormal" and "sexual". Thus, by definition, what pedophiles are hated for is their abnormal fetish for children. This is vastly different from the society in 1984.

Side: False
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
1 point

I was merely trying to bring up an example of a world where your sex would be looked upon as "disgusting" and "wrong".

1984 didn't make sex illegal like how we do for pedophiles; I wasn't trying to say that it was the same thing, exactly.

But I know what pedophiles are hated for... because they find kids sexually attractive... yes.

Side: True
1 point

Probably sounds silly, but maybe a good way for pedophiles to act on their desires without causing harm is virtual reality? Gaming technology is improving at a very fast rate, and porn games aren't exactly uncommon today. Production of child porn has victims, but have you seen how realistic modern game graphics are? As a teenager, I know plenty of people capable of getting off to characters in video games. An argument would be that it could encourage pedophiles to act out in real life, but that would be like saying Grand Theft Auto caused a rapid increase of prostitute murders and helicopter thefts... I personally think it isn't a bad idea.

Side: True
1 point

I don't think anything should be classified as inherently bad if they do not act upon it. For example, if a pedophile rapes a child then yes, that person has done wrong. But the same can be said for a man who rapes a woman, people don't classify him as wrong because he liked women, but because he raped one of them. If a pedophile merely likes children, but does not act upon it with evil intentions then how can one deem them evil? The act of being a pedophile, much like a homosexual, isn't bad in that sense, but acting upon them can be perceived to be bad.

Side: True
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

I found your initial argument persuasive, so it was with sincere regret that I proceeded to the end of your post where you compared pedophilia to homosexuality. The two are not even remotely comparable, and the juxtaposition of the two together is both ignorant and prejudiced.

Side: True
1 point

I've always thought that pedophiles have been unfairly given a bad rap. Even child molesters aren't as bad as the media makes them out as being. What is so bad about adult-child sexual relations? True, it may be viewed as an infringement on the rights of a child to be secure in making their own choices regarding something which has so elevated a level of importance as sexuality, but it is not unheard of for the child to share the same feelings as his "rapist". Until rather recently, persons were married at a very young age, as Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet emphasizes with a personal favorite line of mine:

"CAPULET: She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.

PARIS: Younger than she are happy mothers made."

Sex acts between an adult and a child are far from unheard throughout the world; the Keraki tribe of Papua New Guinea, for instance, are only one of many for whom sexuality betwixt older males and young children is a must. Were it not for our primarily Christian society, pedophilia would probably not be as shunned as it is in Europe and America.

Side: True
Mecca(47) Disputed
1 point

Your are kidding right? You can't use history as a yardstick by which we judge right and wrong because it is rich with examples of barbarism and ignorance. Throughout history societies have treated slavery as normal, pedophiles were honored (especially in Greece), public executions were standard in many civilizations, and even gladiator fights were conducted for the masses. Would you argue that none of these practices are bad because they occurred in civilizations in the past?

As we advance we learn that certain behaviors are damaging to the development of children, that is why America has passed child labor laws, and they are not allowed to drink, smoke, or have sex at certain ages. Pedophiles are mentally sick people, period.

Side: False
Liber(1730) Disputed
1 point

Your are kidding right?

Why would I kid?

You can't use history as a yardstick by which we judge right and wrong because it is rich with examples of barbarism and ignorance.

As well as more enlightened thought.

Throughout history societies have treated slavery as normal

Does this really matter? Many to-day believe that slavery is normal; whilst I am opposed to slavery, I do not believe that slavery is in any way unnatural.

public executions were standard in many civilizations

Including America; you may recall a female character in Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities 'counting the heads as they fell from the guillotine' (paraphrased).

Whilst I am opposed on moral ground to any form of death penalty, as long as they exist I cannot say that I would be too opposed to them being made more public than they currently are.

and even gladiator fights were conducted for the masses.

What is wrong with this? Were all parties involved to consent, I would personally have no qualms with contemporary gladiatorialism.

Would you argue that none of these practices are bad because they occurred in civilizations in the past?

Occurring in the past does not make them right; however, neither does it make them wrong.

As we advance we learn that certain behaviors are damaging

Morals change, but our modern - and by no means more enlightened or transcendent - morals do not make truth.

Side: True
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

The objection of course is that a child is not legally considered to be capable of giving consent, particularly younger children further from attaining the age of majority. This is not as arbitrary a distinction as you make it out to be, and has some basis in the science of cognitive development. At any rate, there is a marked power difference based simply upon the age discrepancy.

I should also remark that I find your note regarding Christian society to be rather an amusing one, as the betrothal and marriage of children to significantly older adults has been common and endorsed throughout Christendom. Truth be told, I consider the move away from such practices to be more secular in origin and not at all a bad thing.

Side: True
1 point

Depends. My argument is that you can have, say, a 38 year old man having sex with a 28 year old woman and even then it's considered normal. Now you take a 25 year old and he has sex with a 15 year old and all of a sudden he is a pedophile. Both parties are exactly 10 years of age apart.

Are rapists bad? Yes. Are child molesters bad? Yes. Are pedophiles bad? I don't think so. "Pedophiles" simply find young/adolescent girls attractive and sexually stimulating. It is the act of raping/molesting said girls that are bad hence rapists and molesters. As for the the whole arugment that underage girls can't consent. For ages 10 and below sure I agree, but I knew what the hell I was doing and what was going on when I was 12, let alone these 14, 15, and 16 year olds. You ain't gettin' me in a windowless van with all the candy in the world. LOL.

Side: False
1 point

A many in number are victims to syndromes and disorders and are unaware of it. Pedophiles on the other hand can be held responsible for their acts as they are well aware of the acts and their repercussions. Meanwhile what must be blamed is society at large. On a scale (that is worth disputing) society and a human brain are both multi dimensional. While some issues overlap and some do not.

Like a man's sexual desire and a woman's fashion desire for clothes that reveal. A man's natural instinct is to be able to cause reproduction. A man cannot help it.

Now in such cases a man of weak will chooses elements around him to satisfy himself.

]This is just of the many ways a man can help himself.

Most basic- Masturbation,

Different methods include paid sex, forced sex, rapes.

And the easiest are kids who do not fully understand advances or can be manipulated.

But, it is also true that sexual instincts for Pedos develop highly in childhood and retain until grown. It is not unnatural to them to imagine a sexual foreplay with a child. Because it is the child like features that turns them on.

It is unnatural to us but natural and fair to them. Like gays. Some succeed in leaving those instincts behind through self therapy as those instincts aren't very strong. While some who try to suppress them, end up in frustration and in desperation involve themselves in acts of shame.

Side: True
Jace(5222) Disputed
2 points

I am partially inclined to agree with your sentiments, yet find enough of what you said objectionable to make reply.

Firstly, I note that you initially observe the importance of society but that you later seem to omit this factor when you observe the failure of the individual who yields to pedophilic fantasy. While there is certainly responsibility vested in the individual for bringing their fantasies under control, it must also I think be acknowledged that the social stigma surrounding mental illness generally and pedophilia in particular makes getting the necessary help immensely difficult.

Secondly, I must strongly object to your comparing pedophilia to homosexuality. The two are not remotely comparable, and your juxtaposition of the two together was not only unnecessary but also ignorant and offensive.

Finally, I would like to elaborate on the first point you made that many live with various syndromes and mental illnesses who may be unaware of it. It is estimated that in the U.S. one in four adults is diagnosable for a mental disorder each year, and that one half of all adults will experience mental illness in their lifetimes. I think these statistics are important to bear in mind in any discussion about mental health or illness. I do not share them as an argument so much as an elaboration.

Side: True
1 point

I believe that people don't like pedophiles because they fear that they may become a child molester. But it is only that potential of change that people hate. I think that pedophiles have a bad name and being one is merely a fetish like anything else. Some pedos may find an 18 year old that looks like a 14 year old attractive just because of her features. I know that some may turn into child molesters but for the ones who don't I feel bad for because it is just a sexual fetish that cannot be helped because it is just what they find attractive. When people argue, "Are you kidding?" And say it's just gross, I feel like they don't give much information on why it is. I personally think chicks eating poop as a sexual fetish is nasty as hell. But if they are just normal people than who cares.

Side: True

Pedo is considered a mental disorder, hepo (attraction to teens) isn't considered a disorder (yes, you read that right, it is not classified as a mental disorder). Why, because that would mean a vast majority of males would be classified as having a disorder (so, being attracted to teens is in fact normal). Taking this into consideration, now you know, many people wrongfully catergorize someone attracted to teens as a pedo.

Side: True
0 points

There seems to be a lot of very smart and very stupid answers on both sides of this debate, but I've noticed a good majority of the false-sided arguments are completely misunderstanding what the true-sided arguments are saying. I don't think it's AS BAD to look at child porn as it is to rape an adult. I think those who argued with that looked over the "as bad" because that seems pretty obvious to me. I also think history's involvement in pedophilia makes a very valid point, as 3,000 years from now, people will be talking about how in the 2000s people thought it was all right to do whatever it is they will think is wrong that we do today. My question for everyone who voted false is, what is wrong with pedophile if they aren't raping children, aren't producing child porn, aren't watching child porn, and are complying with modern moral standards? And beyond that, even if they are doing all of those things, who are you to rule it moral or not? All of the arguments referring to history's use of pedophilia were trying to make a point: morals change, and rather rapidly at that. Also, I don't think it's offensive to compare gays or bisexuals to pedophiles in these contexts. Their point when making the comparison was that sexual attraction (hetero, homo, whatever) can't usually be changed, and the same can be said for pedophiles. If you would understand, you would know that you should be supporting that statement if anything.

Side: True
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Fuck you. It is wrong to compare gays and bisexuals to pedophiles.

Side: False
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

I have two points of contention:

1. Your argument amounts to moral relativism. As an amoral ethicist I am inclined to agree to some extent, yet I think your analysis to be somewhat flawed. Simply because morality fluctuates does not mean a question of morality cannot be answered contemporaneously. Further, I think it improbable that morality would revert to endorse sex between adults and children. Finally, I think one may consider the question as a matter of functional ethics whereby the relative "badness" (or rather, its non-preferability) of an action is determined based upon its known consequences. Within this context, child molestation or rape could be considered "bad" insofar as it is demonstrably linked to psychological damage that endures into adulthood.

2. The comparison between pedophilia and homosexuality/bisexuality is actually not only offensive but inaccurate, and for a number of reasons. If the point in comparing homosexuality to pedophilia is that sexual attraction cannot be changed, then why are heterosexuals then not included in the comparison? The specification of non-heterosexual orientations in a discussion of human sexuality is unnecessary, and is furthermore a direct consequence of erroneous associations between homosexuality and pedophilia; the history and origins of the comparison make it innately offensive. Additionally, pedophilia is a recognized mental disorder whereas homosexuality/bisexuality is not.

Side: False
RancorRapist(6) Disputed
1 point

In no way did I say that homosexuals or bisexuals are as bad as pedophiles. My point is that homosexuals shouldn't be judged as morally wrong for being attracted by members of their own sex, as pedophiles shouldn't be judged for being attracted to children. A homosexual should be judged if he rapes someone, but not as a homosexual, obviously, but as a rapist. The same should go for pedophiles.

You can be a pedophile and you aren't doing anything wrong unless you molest children. Those pedophiles who have touched children make all pedophiles look dangerous. I'm not going to pretend that I know the statistics, but I do have some friends with pedophilic fantasies, and none of them have ever touched a child. I believe the majority of pedophiles haven't ever touched a child in their life. The only reason homosexuals were brought into the debate was to show other groups of people who can't control their attractions. That is true, is it not? That homosexuals aren't necessarily capable of changing? If it is, then my comparison was perfectly accurate. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with any sexual preference. I am a bisexual and I am not a pedophile. What you have done is read my post, picked out a few controversial words, and began writing an argument to it. I admit I have no idea what your first paragraph said because, as a 17 year old, my vocabulary is a little limited.

I think pedophiles are harshly judged, and I can see the world begin accepting pedophiles in the same way that the world began accepting homosexuals (oh no another comparison!). If you disagree, please reread to make sure you aren't misunderstanding me.

Side: True
6 points

If attraction and not the act makes one a pedophile than your description (not title) is true.

One can't help attraction it's been well established I think.

However, it is certainly not the same as an attraction which does no harm to others; ie being gay or other diversions that don't negatively effect another human or ones which can be mutually agreed upon.

There's no situation whereby a pedo could ever carry out their desire and not cause harm, so certainly more dangerous at least in potential than other sorts of attractions.

It is "bad" though because even if not carried out, it is harmful to the individual with the affliction--not being able to ever satisfy the basic human need for sex. At least for satisfying sex. Not that there is anything one can do about it, but bad none the less.

Side: False
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

I think there is an important distinction to be, though, between a morally judgemental "bad" and an unfortunate and personally distressing "bad". Those who are pedophiles under the DSM do not necessarily act to harm others, and do not choose to experience the desires which they have; for those pedophiles who abstain it is illogical to categorically group them with those who do not and to judge them harshly for actions they have not committed.

Side: True
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

I made it clear the "bad" in those cases refers to the unfortunate state, and not their morality.

Side: False
2 points

Anybody can rape a child. I believe anybody can be a threat to a child because they having working arms and legs and other working body parts that can take part in raping a child.

Now the true definition of Pedophilie varies.

Google and Merriam Webster states that it is just the sexual perversion of children. To be more specific, it is ONLY prepubescent children. Not children who are 14, 15, 16, and 17. Although the age actually depends on the start of puberty.

It is actually ok to be ATTRACTED to teenagers because teenagers develop features that attract the opposite sex. However, The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary states that pedophilia is the ACT or fantasy of an adult engaing in sex with a child. (source: wikipedia). In this case, then pedophiles ARE BAD.

I believe that pedophila is just a perversion and NOT the act. Im not going to research how many websites or book source states that it is just a fantasy. Im assuming that "fantasy" and not "act" is part of the true definition.

How can perversion harm anybody? Perversion can escalate into action. I had watched porn as young child and my perversion progressively got worse (higher). If i had to watch porn FIRST to do anything else, then that is a problem. And it is.

I had watched "To Catch A Predator" and you can see how perversion can escalate into action by the NUMBER OF PEOPLE who end up on the show. It didn't intially occured to me but I believe it is easier to act on children than adults because children are easy to manipulate. I believe pedophile's think this because the number of people on the show is huge. Another evidence that proves my belief is that there has been a couple of recurring victims. I think once or twice.

The title of this debate is....Pedophiles aren't bad. They CAN be bad if they act on their perversion. Like anybody....anybody CAN be bad. So that is why im choosing the side that states "False." Saying that pedophiles aren't bad is saying that they can never be bad. That is not true. They can be bad.

Side: True
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

I do not think that affirming this debate says that no pedophile is bad, but rather that pedophiles are not categorically wrong. As far as your definition of pedophilia, however, I agree and would like to direct you to the DSM for the clinical definition:

Side: True
2 points

The argument that because they are born with an attraction to children they are not bad is silly logic. There are people born psychopaths, so does that mean that when they kill it's not really bad? Nonsense! Anyone that sees children as attractive are sick, and if they act on their impulses they should be put down, just as you would put a dangerous dog down.

Side: False
1 point

Anyone that sees children as attractive are sick, and if they act on their impulses they should be put down

Why? Because they have a different sexual preference than you? Does that mean we should kill all the homosexuals because a lot of people view them as sick?

I'm not pro-pedo in any way whatsoever, I think pedophilia is one of the many unfortunate curses (if you want to put it like that) placed on some human's lives. They can't help it, how is it their fault? Would you call me sick and have me put down because I lost my virginity when I was 14 to another 14 year old? Would you have me put down because I did something considered 'sick and twisted' by a fair amount of the adult population (at the time anyway, now that I'm 19 I don't think they'd care)? Do you see where your argument is flawed? Saying they are sick and should be killed is absurd. As I stated prior, I hate the fact that some humans have a sexual attraction to children, but that one factor does not overcome all the good in a person and turn them into some kind of sick, twisted freak.

Also, 'acting on their impulses' may not be as bad as you make it out to be. For all you know they could have sex with a consenting 17, soon to be 18, year old. It would be consensual, and I don't think that 17 year old waiting a few more months 'till they are 18 is gonna make a whole lot of difference.

Side: True to an extent
Phronesis(8) Disputed
1 point

Before reading, I disagree with the part in which pedophiles should be executed. They should be arrested if they have sex with children, but not executed. Also, paedophilia is defined as sexual attraction towards children. This is upheld by the description of the debate. Pedophiles probably don't consciously chose to be attracted to children. It doesn't seem like that choice would be logically beneficial towards them in anyway. However, the difference between them and homosexuals is that no immorality results from homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about consensual sex between two adults of any sexual preference, but there is a great deal of immorality in the act of sex with a young child. Young children do not possess the mental capacity or neurological development to realize what they want and what is good for them. Any sexual relations they may have, seemingly consensual or not, would merely be a mask of underlying sexual exploitation. By any reasonable ethical theory, the act of having sex with a young child is immoral-- be it deontology, virtue, consequentialist, etc. Even if the pedophile is not engaging in sex, his desire to commit immoral acts diminishes his standing as an ethical person.

Side: False
Mecca(47) Disputed
1 point

I assume that you are of the opinion that no behavior is wrong, but I think differently. Some people are born psychopaths, and by your reasoning if they kill six people they should not be put to death because they have a different outlook on life. I am not a moral relativist, I believe that some behavior is so abhorrent that the person is no longer any use to society. One of the behaviors that should not be tolerated in any society is the harming of children by adults, whether sexually or otherwise.

I also reject you trying to place homosexuality into the discussion because what two ADULTS do in the privacy of their own bedroom is none of anyone's business.

An adult having sex with a 17 year old is not pedophilia.

Side: False
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

Not all pedophiles act upon their desires or fantasies, just as not all psychopaths are murderers (in the case of the latter, actually, homicide is an exception to the rule). Additionally, there is an important distinction between calling somebody bad and deeming an action to be bad. I am a determinist, so I consider pedophilia to be a consquence of biological predispositions and socialization (i.e. pedophiles do not choose to be pedophiles). I also think that the decision of pedophiles to act or abstain from sexu with children is a consequence of social failure or success in connecting such individuals with the care and treatment they need. Our society heavily stigmatizes mental ill-health and disorder, to the extent that it becomes actively counter-productive and people do not or cannot get the help they need. It is a gross over-simlpification of the issue to to simply ignore society's role.

Side: True
2 points

How dare you compare gays to pedophiles. So because I am bisexual, you want to compare me to such a horrible person? Fuck you.

Side: False