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 Pharma and the Deceptive World of Psychiatry (21)

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Pantagruel(984) pic

Pharma and the Deceptive World of Psychiatry

So the two non-Americans who worked on the DSM-5 quit because the Americans involved lacked common sense and scientific rigor.[1]
No wonder 20% of Americans are on psychiatric medications [2] when 70% of the DSM-5 writers have direct ties to the pharmaceutical industry.[3] Psychiatrists are crazy about coming up with "disorders" and "syndromes" which don't physically and objectively exist. [4]
[4] Szasz, Thomas. The Myth of Mental Illness (1961).
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1 point

There is some truth in what you say.

There is a good amount of misdiagnoses as well as over diagnoses occurin in the USA.

Most over diagnosed psych illnesses...

Bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, autism, and ADD and ADHD.

But remember that big Pharma is not forcing these meds down your throat.

To get a psych med prescription you first must go to the shrink and claim a problem and then AGREE to taking the meds.

Except for some kids, of course, who are forced to take the meds by deluded parents.

But overall the reason our country is so over medicated is not because most of the DSM writers had Big Pharma ties.

It's because we are a "quick fix" society. We want to be able to take a magic pill and have everything go away. We believe that a happy and trouble free life is the norm and is our right.

This is mostly a Western zeitgeist. Or mind set. Or philosophy.

In the Asian, the Eastern countries this is not the case.

They have grasped the notion that the natural state of life is strife and struggle.

That happiness is only an occasional state. One that is a gift and not a right.

The proof that what I say here is true lies in the fact that those people have one tenth as many of their people taking antidepressants.

Always remember that we are still just scratching the surface in psychiatry. It is a soft science that is still in its infancy.


Hope this helps!

Pantagruel(984) Disputed
1 point

Not what happened to me. I would never take a pharmaceutical no matter how much you offered to pay me. But my doctor tried to trick me into taking Cymbalta, saying I might have fibromyalgia because I get stomach pains and headaches.

Except for some kids, of course, who are forced to take the meds by deluded parents.

Can't forget to blame the deluded doctors who over-prescribe and use off-label. No matter what the commercials say, you shouldn't ask your doctor about..., you doctor should ask you about..., not to mention look at the labelled uses once in awhile.

Always remember that we are still just scratching the surface in psychiatry. It is a soft science that is still in its infancy.

It isn't a 'soft science'.

It is soft, with no science.

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

Así, en este momento que voy a reclamar que no habla a ningún español.

Usted no me ha contestado. Le he pedido muchas veces a hablar conmigo. Así puedo practicar.

¿Vives realmente en España?

Lo dudo.


SlapShot(2608) Disputed
0 points

If you think there is no science in Psychiatry you know nothing about Psych.

Hard science is used all the time.

I already told you about the brain mapping. The computer imagery. And of course the science of chemistry is used when making medications. As is microbiology.

Neurology is the study of the central nervous system. Which the brain and its software, the mind, are a part of.

Neurology is a hard science.

Psychiatrists are MDs.


Hard science.

Psych has as much hard science in it as any other sub-discipline of medicine.

It is just that some soft science and educated speculation is thrown in the mix. Sometimes.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Don't denigrate things you don't understand.



1 point

I'd agree it's gotten out of hand. Far too large a share of the population is on some sort of psychiatric medication.

But I'd stop far short of a Tom Cruise ban all psychiatric meds conclusion. Indeed some very sick people do need their medicines.

1 point

I know I use LOL quite frequently but I really DID laugh at some of those citations in the debate header!

Thomas Szaz???

Do you realize that was written over 50 freaking years ago!!!!

Shit, we still did frontal lobotomies back then! We had NO brain mapping tech that PROVES mental illness like we do now.

And Psychology Today? A rag mag of pop psycholgy written Primarily for bored soccer moms who took a couple undergrad psych classes. It has articles in it like......Why you should embrace you bi curiosity!

No colleague I know would take either of those two links seriously. If I tried to use Szaz as a ref, except to show how antiquated his ideas are I would be laughed at here in my doc program.

Pantagruel(984) Disputed
1 point

Last I checked this was a debating website participated in by idiots and dull half-idiots.

Does it look like the proper place to worry about peer review?

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

We "worry" about peer review in science.

As in reviewed by others who are professionals in their field.

Here's an article from the NIH that might help you out a little, as you sound very confused...

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

And yet another article to prove what I have claimed and also destroy your claims about no science in Psych.

1 point

Yeah..the difference between me and some of the know-nothings in this debate........

they post links to pop Psych rags like Psychology Today as well as writings from 50 years ago, while I use stuff from MIT and the National Institute on Health.

It's how I roll.

(see my above posts for those respective links)


Pantagruel(984) Disputed
2 points

Where are your peer-reviewed abiotic oil and time travel sources?

Keep on rolling... off the cliff of your own naïvité.

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Make sure you see my above post and link for a PR article from Principia Scientifica.

Also....among this Wiki article are links to several PR papers on abiotic petroleum.

Hope this helps. petroleumorigin

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
0 points

Since Project Swiss Watch is ultra top secret and I should not have even mentioned it to you guys, I will not be furnishing any PR papers on that topic.

I doubt there are any!

However, I will be happy to link you some PR stuff on abiotic oil.

Of that there is a plentiful amount of work.

Il try to do it this weekend.
