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 Pitbulls (15)

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Are Pitbulls safe around young kids?

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2 points

It depends pitbulls can be great dogs. It is all in the training of them. Blue nosed pitbulls are not safe around kids. Blue noses are bread to be aggressive and nasty. If you are going to have the dog around kids have a red nose! Not recommended with kids under 5 without supervision, as any dog can snap at a little kid.

Side: Depends on the specific breed
1 point

Any dog can be safe with children, but it depends on how the dog is raised. I pitbull can be raised to be very peaceful and lovable, just like a yorkie or a golden retriever can be raised to be aggressive.

Side: Depends on the specific breed

You have to take it on a case by case basis. You put the kid with the pitbull and if the pitbull eats the kid, then he's not good with kids ;)

Side: Depends on the specific breed
1 point

well yes pitbulls are safe around kid because if they are around a nice traner for a long time them the dog will learn that he doesnt have to fight anymore to live

Side: Depends on the specific breed
1 point

people of the worl;d iuyredfvbhhhhhhhhh and yes ilasdm slkdJsd jjfjgh;sjkf sdjfgjfjgbf gjjdfgj dfjgjkuiudfgnrelriiovbnklfdfgdmrydfdfdfg

Side: Depends on the specific breed
1 point

It all depends on how the owner rasies the dog people always blame the dog its is really the owners fault if they are aggresive

Side: Depends on the specific breed

I would be hesitant to let a pit bull around children. It's dangerous.

Side: Depends on the specific breed
YinYan(2) Disputed
1 point

what are your reasons for that claim? as far as i know there have only been a few times where they have hurt someone, and compared to the other dog breeds or animal breeds, its quite small.

Side: Depends on the specific breed
1 point

absolutely, it depends on the trainer and on the specific pit bull. not all members of a specific breed are the same, and over-generalizations like that can be harmful.

Side: Depends on the specific breed

That depends on the pitbull's temperament, which is true of all dogs. Dogs are social creatures that evolved to live in packs. Even if the pitbull was breed to fight, fighting is something you have to force a dog to do because it's against their nature. I would trust a pitbull more around kids than a cat.

Side: Depends on the specific breed
br0ntoraptor(17) Disputed
1 point

Even if the pitbull was breed to fight, fighting is something you have to force a dog to do because it's against their nature.

Dogs fight all the time without humans forcing them. That is how they assert their dominance and secure the bitches and food for themselves. Dogs are not hippy pacifist soy boy liberals.

I would trust a pitbull more around kids than a cat.

Cats are less likely to attack a human than pitbulls. A pitbull can eat your kids entire face in one bite.

Side: Depends on the specific breed
1 point

Dogs fight all the time without humans forcing them.

All animals fight, conflict is part of life. Dogs are very gentle and social creatures, but when they fight (say over a treat or toy) engagement is very short and dogs have been known to break up conflicts even outside their own packs. They also more likely to avoid conflict altogether which is why dog fighting owners don't have an issue with being bitten.

That is how they assert their dominance

Dog don't assert dominance, they assert roles much like humans do.

Dogs are not hippy pacifist soy boy liberals.*

lol... are you okay? Did you just have an aneurysm?

Cats are less likely to attack a human than pitbulls.

No, cats are less likely to cause damage. Pitbulls are very strong dogs, I'm not going to argue against that. However, Pitbull or even dog aggression is rare. Not only are most bites not fatal, you are more likely to die from an air crash than a dog bite. Heck, you are more like die from chocking on your own food than a dog bite.

Side: Depends on the specific breed
-1 points

pitbulls were raised and bred to fight, and as far as im concerned, its in their genes. cmon you guys, they eat babies!

Side: they eat babies