
Debate Info

Yes Dont govern me Spank me please , more !
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:29
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 Yes Dont govern me (12)

Debate Creator

Koda(423) pic

Points to fast on Create debate!

Ever get busted by the CD Cops for giving too many points too often ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 

 Bastards , Dont hold me back my Biotches !

Yes Dont govern me

Side Score: 29

Spank me please , more !

Side Score: 0
3 points

All the freakin' time !

Side: Yes Dont govern me
3 points

it is all about Freedom , basically CD is taking away ones freedom of Speech , Speech does not have to be verbal , can be subtle signs one gives to another like POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes Dont govern me
3 points

I agree with that! Reduces our freedom of expression .

Side: Yes Dont govern me
3 points

Yes, and as soon as I give a few points I get the message so I get fed up and leave.

Side: Yes Dont govern me
3 points

If I see someone who is down-voting everybody on the other side of a debate regardless of argument quality or down-votes everybody who disagrees with them regardless of argument quality, I will swoop in and up-vote every argument that was just down-voted in that manner.

Side: Yes Dont govern me
3 points

I do that too .

Side: Yes Dont govern me
3 points

I generally do the same, especially for my allies, but I have one in particular that will always down-vote me whenever he sees anything I comment on, no matter what the subject is and never leave a comment. I know who it is, but choose to ignore them.

Side: Yes Dont govern me
2 points

Yes, I do the same thing... if they disagree and want to down vote, that's cool with me, but leave an explanation. TheTruth92 told me yesterday that he was down voting every post of mine that he could because I hurt his feelings, LOL.

Side: Yes Dont govern me
1 point

man if everyone was that dumb you would have no points because you are always hurting someones feelings : P

Side: Yes Dont govern me
1 point

Sounds reasonable! I would probably do the same ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG !

Side: Yes Dont govern me
2 points

It's annoying... I kind of agree that we shouldn't be allowed to up vote as much as we want... they want to save the up-votes for quality posts... but the amount we are allowed at one time is way to few.

Side: Yes Dont govern me
2 points

I always get caught with that too thats why I just stop and if I remember later or the next day I go back and give them the point

Side: Yes Dont govern me
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